Part 2 - Prologue

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After the USJ incident, Shukaku was taken into temporary police custody, before he got "tired of their shit," and escaped. Kakashi was surprised, he thought Shukaku wouldn't have lasted that long. Well, this brings us to our current situation.

Tsukauchi is sitting on a couch in the living room, and he's questioning Kakashi.

Obito has disappeared off the grid, and they have no idea where he is, Kakashi only has a vague idea, they send each other messages from burner phones occasionally. Kakashi doesn't know why Obito won't just get a permanent phone, he's not a fugitive anymore. He does understand his need to travel though.

"Where are Uchiha Obito and Shukaku?" Tsukauchi asked. Kakashi suspected that Tsukauchi didn't actually think that Kakashi knew anything, he was just trying to get other information out of him.

"No clue. I don't think you're going to find either of them, they're like that." Kakashi sighed. As much as he would love to know where the other two are going, he just couldn't be bothered to get up and look. Obito's probably halfway to Europe by now, and Shukaku could be murdering anyone anywhere.

"How do you know them?" Kakashi had answered this question before, he was sure. He'd said that the three of them were childhood friends, which was technically the truth for Obito. Luckily, when the three of them were questioned, Tsukauchi wasn't present.

"We've known each other for a while." Kakashi responded. "Shukaku's sibling is a friend of a friend."

"I see. Where is Shukaku's sibling now?"


"Has Shukaku lost control before?"

"Yes." His mind involuntarily went back to the Chunin exams. There weren't too many fond memories from this time, teaching Sasuke the Chidori was overshadowed by his defection from the Leaf, Naruto and Sasuke making it to the final round was overshadowed by Shukaku breaking free and Orochimaru's invasion.

"Who subdued him then?"

"Some people I know." He wouldn't exactly consider the Konoha 11- the Konoha 12 his friends, more like comrades, students, juniors, friends just really wasn't right.

"You said you have experience dealing with him, was that true?"

"Shukaku has 8 siblings. He is the weakest one." Kakashi said simply. Tsukauchi's eyes widened at the implication. While Shukaku technically has 9 siblings. The 0 tail isn't canon, so Kakashi chose not to include it.

"And you don't know where the other 8 are?"

"Not a clue, I'm not close with 6 of them."

"And the other 2?"

The questioning went on and on, and Kakashi pretty much explained the concept of a Biju to a fascinated, but worried, Tsukauchi.

"What about the local authorities?"

'We were the local authorities.' Kakashi mused while trying to come up with a lie. "They helped."

Tsukauchi raised an eyebrow, but didn't say anything. "Thank you for your time." He smiled, then Aizawa saw him out.

'I'm tired.' Kakashi squeezed his eyes shut and blinked a few times.

They had the next day off due to the USJ incident; some of the children were really spooked. Kakashi almost laughed when he heard, but he had to remind himself that these children were only slightly more experienced civilians.

"You look tired." Aizawa sat next to him.

"So do you." Kakashi pointed out, he quickly checked the time, stood up and stretched. The school was still open, so he could use their training facilities. "I'm going to the school."

"Don't you understand the meaning of relaxing? Take a break."

"I am. This is me taking a break." Kakashi eye-smiled and Aizawa sighed.

"Fine, go, but try not to cause trouble."

"Maa, it almost sounds like you're worried about me." Kakashi chuckled. Aizawa raised an eyebrow. "I'll take my leave."

Kakashi jogged to the school and went to the principal's office first. "Ah Kakashi, how are you?" Nezu asked.

"Fine, and you?" If he wanted to use the facilities on a day off, flattery was the way to go.

"I'm good as well. I assume there's something you want to ask?" He said, getting straight to the point.

"Yes. I would like to use the school facilities to train."

"If you train, will I still have school facilities?" Nezu asked lightly, but Kakashi seriously considered the question.

"I'll be gentle." He smirked, not that Nezu could tell.

"Then yes, you may. Please clean up after yourself." Nezu chuckled.

"Of course." Kakashi went to the training gym and looked through the stuff they had.

There were weights of varying weight, yoga balls, yoga mats, sports balls and some other things Kakashi couldn't name.

He summoned a Kage Bunshin and watched himself go through his katas. He adjusted his stance until he deemed it correct then moved on to jutsu and chakra control.


Kakashi lay on the ground of the gym, which was still standing surprisingly enough, and breathed heavily. It'd been a long time since he trained like this, but he couldn't afford to get complacent. If Shukaku and Obito could be here, who's to say that any number of his other enemies couldn't just show up and beat the shit out of him?

He wasn't as strong as he'd like to be, his chakra reserves were lower, so he'd have to spend his time meditating and while he had good control, it could always be better. There were a few jutsu that he just couldn't do yet because his body wasn't accustomed to the hand signs.

Kakashi clicked his tongue, and stood up. His legs shook with exhaustion, and he didn't really have the reserves to pull off a proper Shunshin without worrying that he might end up severed in two, that and he still had to do a Doton jutsu to fix the floor of the gym.

He cleaned up and fixed what he'd broken, then dragged himself out of the gym.

It didn't take him as long as he thought it would to reach home, which isn't really saying much, considering he thought he would be walking for 2 hours.

"Jesus! What the hell happened to you?" Aizawa asked.

Kakashi grinned weakly.

"I got lost on the road of life."

And we're back! Sorry about the length of the recent chapters, the next ones will be longer.

From here on out, there is no canon! Since I've read the manga, there will be spoilers. I'll make sure to tell you when there are spoilers, but eventually they might be unavoidable.

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