27. A Short History Lesson With Becky

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We enter the cool Villa and I finally feel like I can breathe again.

"We should stop by my room and grab some clothes first." Becky says. "Any time now the guards are going to be reporting your arrival, so you might as well get dressed before being summoned."

I nod and follow her down the hallway, Max close behind.

We pass by familar office doors, the same office that belongs to General Andre, Malia's brother and also the father of Cato. 

I stop walking for a second, staring at the doors.

Could General Andre know what his son is up to? Or even worse, give the orders to Cato to hurt Malia? What if he's the real master mind behind this, and Cato is just his puppet?

Ugh this is going to take a bit longer than what I originally thought. Luckily it doesn't seem like we're not on a timer, but with Lager possibly hunting me down I'd like to finish this mission as soon as possible.

We walk down another hallway before finally arriving in front of Becky's room, which is almost an exact replica of the room I stayed in as well.

Becky walks over to the bed, where some clothes are strwen across it and rifles through it before picking out two, white robes. She tosses one at Max, who lumbers off to the bathroom, and hands the other to me.

"I'd like a very thorough explanation as to everything that's happened starting from when you left the Villa, but first you need to take a shower." Becky says taking a faew steps away, and I nod in embarassment.

I smell very strongly, to the point where if I move just a little I can catch a whiff of myself.

Max walks out of the bathroom a minute later after taking the fastest shower I've ever heard of, his blonde curls dark from the water and still dripping but at least he's wearing clothes.

"Your turn." He says, jabbing him thumb over his shoulder to point at the bathroom. "Your shoulder should be healed a bit, but I defenitely reccomend not putting it directly uner the water." He advises.

"Gotcha." I say with a nod while slipping into the bathroom.

A very careful shower later, and I'm combing through my wet hair with my fingers while exiting the bathroom, seeing Becky and Max lounging on one of the white couches in the room.

 They immediatey sit up when I exit, at full attention as I walk over and sit in a chair, letting out a breath.

I begin the story telling.

Becky and Max listen closely as I tell them about the wild chase through the Villa, and my one-way ride down the garbage chute. Of course Becky snorts when she ehars about my trash-filled journey down the metal chute, but she's quickly quiet again when I get to the part where I run into Zero and Aella.

I tell them about what went down in the caves, and get a little sheepish when I recount how Zero and I got into a childish argument that spiraled way out of control and led to Lager appearing.

Surprisingly Max is quiet the enitre time I'm talking, listening intently isntead of flipping out like I thought he would. 

I finish at the part where I'm hit with Aella's spear and black-out, waiting quietly as they both soak in all that happened.

"Okay okay, so that explains why you nearly died and Lager disappeared all of a sudden, but this doesn't explain why Lager still isn't here. Knowing him, he would be glued to your side at this moment, making sure you didn't injure yourself further." Becky says.

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