2. The Highclere Harvest Festival

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"UGH!" I exclaim, slamming the doors to my closet shut and whirling around, pressing my back against the cool wood and sinking down to the floor in a melted heap of Ashley.

"What's the big deal?" Becky asks from where she's combing through her hair in front of the mirror a few yards away, not sparing me a glance. 

"The deal is the Harvest Festival is in one hour and Lager still hasn't visited me like he said he would!" I grunt, standing up and walking out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, where I pace the floor.

"What if Sylvia really has sunk her claws into him? What will I do then? I can't exactly walk up to him and demand he take me instead of her. Arg! I should have gone to him, not wait for him to come to me! To make matters worse I don't even have an outfit and I'm suppsoed to be ready in one hour!" I rant, fisting my hair as I collapse backwards into a heap on the bed.

"Just stop ranting already!" Becky snaps, walking into the room and crossing her arms while narrowing her eyes at me. "One, it won't fix anything, and two, you're hurting my ear drums."

"Sorry." I mutter, staring up at the ceiling in defeat.

"I thought something like this might happen. Something always happens when it comes to you. I can't really help you in the date department, but I did go ahead and get something else for you."

She turns on her hell and walks back into the bathroom. Curious, I push myself up so I'm leaning back on my arms, craning my neck to see what she has.

Becky comes out with a hanger, and on it is a short, stylish black dress  that's sure to  make anyone look gorgeous in it.

"Becky..." I trail off in awe, climbing off the bed and taking a few steps towards her. "That dress is gorgeous!"

"I know, right?" She smirks, putting it against her and twirling around. "It's going to look great on me don't you think?"

My face falls. "What?"

"Oh this one is for me. Don't worry though, I still got you a dress. What kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" 

I let out a breath of releif, watching as she dissapears into the bathroom again and emerges with another one.

This one is.....pretty.

It's a floor length slip with spaghetti straps and a slight V-neckline. It basically looks like someone took a slip of black fabric and made it into a dress form.

"It's......pretty. Thank you, I guess." I say, and she scowls, narrowing her eyes at me.

"That's the thanks I get for going through the trouble to find you this dress?" She sniffs.

"Were you actually the one to find it?"

"Of course not! Kay did."

I slap my forehead, uttering a few choice words under my breath, but I reach out and take the dress anyway, walking past Becky and into the bathroom while shutting the door.

I slip on the dress, which is as light as a feather, the fabric feels so thin. I tuck the necklace I'm wearing, a blue, nearly translucent crystal that's tear-drop shaped, into my dress so it's out of sight. When I open the door, Becky is standing there in her beautiful dress, waiting for me. 

When she sees me come out she snorts, before quickly covering her mouth, her eyes glittering. She coughs to control herself and smiles.

"You look gorgeous, Ashley!"

"Mhmm." I hum flatly, not believing her because of the laughing gleam in her eyes. Then my eyes dash to the clock hanging on the wall right besides the fireplace that contained lava.

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