Chapter 19

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 Zayden sat on a window ledge, observing the starry sky from his small chambers. The night sky was vast and seemed to have endless possibilities. The night felt young, and Zayden reminisced over his time with Celine. He smiled slightly, and changed his gaze to his mother's pavilion. The structure was foreign and different from all the other buildings in the Zionitte Empire. Somehow, it was still special and the most beautiful haven he cherished. Previously, he had hated the garden because it was a gift from his father. But now, it was a place where he could happily meet with Celine. He began to appreciate the flowers his mother had loved so much. 

Earlier in the evening, Zayden had happily danced with Celine. The way he held on to her waist and lightly grabbed her hand was electrifying. Did she even notice how tense he had gotten from the nervousness? She was beautiful, and he couldn't stop thinking about her smile. The genuine smile she only gave him was soft and full of warmth. His heart squeezed again as he realized his feelings had grown deeper. 

How was that even possible?

As if he had been waiting for her appearance, Zayden saw Celine crossing the bridge. He frowned. Something felt very odd.

Why did her night gown look so torn? Why was she running so quickly as if she was chased?

He jumped off from the windowsill and sprinted after her. 


Celine found herself in the Krastian pavilion. She gave a brief look at the pretty flowers that used to comfort her when she missed home. 

I want to go home, but this is my home. Celine thought bitterly. The hibiscus flowers didn't relieve her anxiety, and even made her feel even more feverish. At that moment, nothing could soothe her. She was on edge and agitated, wanting to do something to calm her restless heart. 

Without a second thought, she jumped into the stream underneath the bridge. The icy cold water immediately distracted her for a second, because another panicked thought evaded her mind. 

Will she die here from drowning or frostbites?

Just then, a hand pulled her out from the freezing water, and Celine was met with reality again. She blankly looked at her savior, and tears started to form in her eyes at the familiar person in front of her.

"Zayden..." Celine croaked out, before submerging herself in tears. 

Zayden tightly embraced Celine's crumbled, wet figure. He watched her silently, and covered her bare skin with his hands. Her disheveled appearance and ripped dress was obviously done by humans. He froze when he noticed the dark, purple marks along her wrists and legs. He panicked inwardly and pushed down his fury. 

His face twisted in anger. Zayden was going to kill the person who dared lay a finger on Celine.

But focused on comforting Celine, who whimpered and cried in his arms. He gathered her into his arms again and held her against his beating heart. He gripped tightly and whispered words of comfort, promising the slow, painful death of the thugs who touched her.

Red also appeared from Zayden's shadows and pressed his warm nuzzle against Celine, giving her body warmth. 

As time passed, Celine felt exhausted from her panic attack and all that running. Zayden easily picked her up as she fell asleep. When he set her down on her bed, Hala was waiting with a tear stricken face. 

"My master! The Emperor suddenly called for her late at night. Celine didn't want me to tell you but I knew something would happen! I run straight to you and disobeyed her orders!" She cried and gathered herbal paste. 

As Hala quietly changed Celine's garments and cleaned her body, Zayden applied ointment to her purple marks. She even had marks on her breasts. 

His face was ugly, and Hala decided to apply the medicine instead.

Zayden was so disgusted with his father and thought of million ways to kill him. He was ashamed. How can such a monster be Zayden's father and the Zionitte Empire's leader? 

"I'm sorry." Zayden whispered in Celine's ear, stroking her silvery hair and pulling away in guilt. The person who had hurt Celine was his own blood. 

He had experienced many misgivings in the Imperial palace. He had never been as resentful and infuriated as he was today. From this day onwards, the Second Prince began to vividly hate the Zionitte Empire. 


Back in the main palace, the Emperor held the crown prince's letter in amusement.

"The Crown Prince requested to bring back a woman as his concubine."

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