Chapter 91

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Celine maintained her friendships within the Zionitte army. She was well respected as an inspirational figure despite how women were underestimated and practically looked down upon. She made sure to resist the confucianism values of the people before it became deeply rooted within the society.

Besides her political countenance, she had been spending time with Oren and their new baby sister. Celine loved to foster her relationships with her family and Draco, often spending most of her time in the family mansion. She made sure to cherish each of her relations.

Oren's mother had helped Hala and Zakai's pregnancy, which brought their family ties together. Zakai's mother easily connected with Oren's mother too since both were single. The dynamic with the new family members fit perfectly well, and Celine was relieved.

One day, Celine paid a visit to the family mansion, and was stumped by the sudden scene she encountered!

Ichika had been climbing a tree, laughing as she carelessly swung around. Celine sighed, then realized it was terribly dangerous for a small child like her. As she rushed to stop her, she noticed Oren watching her from down below. Although his expression had become serious and unreadable as he grew older, he seemed to look furious right now.

"Hey! Get down there ugly! No one wants to see your face down here, so surely it'll be even worse up there too! Don't scare away the innocent birds!" Oren shouted.

Preteens are so mean, Celine thought, wondering why their relationship was always aggressive since their first meeting with one another. Eiji had informed her of their first encounter, where Ichika had teased him about his height with her sarcastic personality, offending Oren right from the start. After that, they hadn't really gotten along well from what Eiji had said.

Ichika only laughed at Oren's insults, her eyes turning into half-moon shapes as she looked down at Oren. Her sharp features resembled Zakai's pretty features, and Celine smiled as Ichika's black hair flowed like silk against the wind.

Just then, Ichika's hand slipped, and Oren rushed to catch her as she fell. They both tumbled to the floor, since Oren's small frame couldn't catch Ichika's tall body. Somehow, Ichika was on top of the boy, her lips faintly grazing the tip of Oren's lips as she pushed herself up. His eyes widened in surprise, and he began to blush from his ears to his cheeks.

"Hey, you're kind of handsome." She smiled mischievously, stroking his hair in amazement. The gesture made Oren's lips tremble, and Ichika narrowed her eyes. "But don't talk to your older sister like that. Especially if you're going to blush like a little boy."

Ichika laughed as Oren pushed her off. He was still shorter than her, and her teasing tone angered him!

"You're not my sister! And you're only two years older than me, don't act so cocky!" He was about to complain some more when he noticed Celine. He yelped in surprise. "Sister?"

"It looks like you're finally calling me by my actual titl- Celine!" Ichika cried happily as she rushed towards her.

At the same time, Celine had been driven speechless as she had also been running to catch Ichika. After observing their brief exchange, Celine felt as if she had discovered a secret and felt pity for Oren.

"Oren, don't call Ichika ugly when there are countless guys running after her." Celine teased, winking at her younger brother.

Oren grew red with displeasure. "I already know. Those guys are ugly too." He finally responded, shrugging.

"Not Aaron!" Ichika looked at Oren in astonishment.

"He's just pretty like a girl." Oren replied.

"He has big eyes and silky hair like the emperor!" Ichika chided in, reflecting back when she had first met Aaron. 

When Celine had marched throughout Krastia, Ichika had squeezed past the crowds of strong people in order to reach her first. However, she had gotten lost and was pushed around until she fell to the floor. Then, a handsome boy dressed in armor held out his hand and Ichika had immediately swooned. 

Oren frowned and subconsciously touched his curly hair. "Anyways, what brings you here Celine? Weren't you busy recently?"

Celine could only laugh as she observed Oren's downcast expression. "Yes, actually. I need your help with something."


The night she returned to Krastia, Celine promised herself to grow stronger and learn to properly love again. She was determined to heal her depression, for she couldn't keep living like an empty doll. She first began to draw a line before her anxiety was triggered. She also learned from Sir Vigos, who had taught her how to deal with grief and the burdens of war. On some days, she'd release her negative thoughts onto a piece of paper and never think about them again. Sometimes, she wrote down what bothered her, then made sure to add what she would do to fix these problems. Sir Vigos created a support group for her and the soldiers experiencing trauma from the war. Draco was also her greatest pillar, who she could lean on every single day. Ever so slowly, Celine began to experience self-growth, and her spiritual mind was stronger by the day. However, she still relapsed and suffered through moments that seemed to be more difficult than other nights. It was still an ongoing process, but Celine was blessed to have her family and friends near.

While practicing a healthier lifestyle, Celine had truly fallen in love with the emperor over the past year. She loved him to the point where she could set aside her reluctance to be an Empress. To her, it was all worth it if it meant Akihiko would be on her side.

Celine knew she loved him when she felt held instead of grabbed. She never felt pushed into a marriage or faced any pressure when the country begged for their union. In fact, the emperor never asked her to marry him since their engagement. He wanted to give her time until Celine felt ready. He had shown her faith, patience, care, and kindness. It was all Celine ever wanted. His eyes were always on her, and it never failed to make her heart flutter. Even as concubines were constantly introduced, he coldly turned them away, knowing that it would drive her away again. Therefore, Celine never felt the stress of dealing with concubines and internal court affairs. 

One day, Celine confidently strode towards the emperor's private chambers. She had donned on the most beautiful silk gown she could find. Her hair was braided and decorated with the finest jewelry, contrasting her pale complexion. Her eyelids had been painted with the softest colors while her cheeks and lips were stained red. Her look was regal, portraying a confident Empress, which was the look Celine wanted to achieve.

However, before the servants could announce her presence, she heard a loud commotion inside of the room.

Celine held up a hand to stop the servants. "Is there a meeting?"

"Yes, your grace. The officials came in unannounced." The servant bowed his head.

"Then I'll wait for them to finish. Don't announce my presence just yet."

Celine tuned in her ears to listen, curious as to what they were talking about. Thankfully, she could hear perfectly.

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