Chapter 28

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"Charlie Davis, please come to the office."

I sigh, still trapped in Angel's arms as I wipe my eyes. "My dad's here."

He let's me go, and stops me from reaching my backpack. "I'll carry it for you." He stands, picking it up and making a show of telling me how heavy it is, making me giggle.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." He pushes his hand out for me to take and gently pulls myself up.

We walk out of the stall and the bathroom, taking things slow as we travel down the hallway. I rub my temples as my head begins to pound and we walk into the office, where I sign myself out and Angel walks me out the lobby and down the front steps where my father waits beside the car.

He straightens when he sees me, eyes filled with extreme concern and he opens his mouth to say something, but I just lean onto his chest, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly. His words die out and he sighs, hugging me back just as tight and I hum appreciatively.

"Thank you for your help, Angel."

"It's alright. He's helped me many times, so i'm returning the favor."

"I'll take his bag..." Angel hands my father my backpack, only for even the adult to stagger, glaring down at the object. "What's in here? Rocks?!"

"Homework," I mumble into his chest, making my father scoff loudly.

"Damn, stupid pieces of..." He mutters to himself, making me smile as he shifts the backpack onto his back, grunting. "Thank you, again. I know us as a family tend cause a lot of trouble—"

"No, it was no trouble at all. I just hope he feels better soon."

My father smiles as he pats my back, opening the passenger door and letting me sit inside groggily. "Me too. You have a good rest of your day. If you would like, you come by for dinner?"

Angel grins, nodding. "Sure. I'll bring Mia and Michael along too if you don't mind."

"The more the merrier!"

"Great. See you guys later then, rest well Charlie, seriously."

I grin up at the blonde before my dad shuts my door and makes his way to drivers seat. He sits down, starting the car before leaning over to press a hand to my forehead. "Alright, you aren't too hot. Why don't we go home and i'll make you some tiny sandwiches for lunch in the bath? Sound good?"

I don't speak, just nod as I shut my eyes and try to relax.

"Are feeling better, though?" My father asks when we begin to drive out of the parking lot and I numbly shake my head. "Not really..."

"Did you throw up?"


"Alright, then make sure you eat slowly. I'll go get you some stomach medicine with some gatorade. After a bath, i'm going to force you to take a nice long nap." I grin, nodding again. "Did you use your abilities at all today?"


"... Was it just a lot?"

I hesitate, opening my eyes just to blink back tears before nodding once again and my father runs his hands through my hair. "I'm sorry, baby. I wish I could make it easier."

My dad parks the car in the driveway. "Mom's not home yet. But she'll be back in a couple of hours. Go upstairs and put your stuff away, i'll start the bath."

I silently open the door as we both enter the house. I walk up the stairs to place my bag down heavily before sitting down on the bed for a moment to ground myself. The skies are dark with clouds, but they seem to refuse to let rain pour. I stare out the window, taking deep breaths as my stomach churns and I grimace.

Charlie (UNREVISED)Where stories live. Discover now