Chapter 16

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I walk back inside, smiling when I see my dad sitting on the living room couch, attacking his fingernails with nerves.

He's wearing a plain button down with slacks and once I enter the house he turns quickly, relaxing when he realizes it's just me.

"Calm down, she'll love you for doing this for her." I come over to sit down next to him, handing him the bouquet of red Dahlia's and he sighs as he takes them.

"I feel like a teenager."

"Hey," I snap, pretending to look offended and he laughs, pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you for getting me flowers."

"It's no problem! I even made friends with the people who worked at the shop!" I say excitedly and my father raises his eyebrows.


"Yeah! Ainsley is 16, and then his sister Ash was also there. They're pretty cool people."

My father ruffles my hair playfully, making me groan. "I'm glad your social skills are finally branching out. Feels good to see people huh?"

Before I can answer, the sound of a door unlocking can be heard and my father straightens. "Uh-"

"Well get up, greet her! Go!"

My dad stands, albeit shakily as he picks up the flowers and stands just beyond the door when my mother walks through.

"I'm home!" She turns from shutting the door, flinching when she sees my dad standing there with pink cheeks and puts a hand on her chest.

"Oh, Daniel, you scared me..." Her voice falters and she glances down at the flowers and her eyes widen.

"Are those Dahlia's?" She asks happily, walking over and taking them from my dad's hands to look over them as father fidgets.

"Yes, I wanted to give them too you..."

He glances over at me and I gesture for him to hurry up and he swallows as my mother smiles brightly.

"Well thank you! I love them, they're beautiful, what's the occasion?"

My father hesitates before blurting. "Go on a date with me?"

I smack my forehead, and my mother blinks in shock, stuttering. "A date?"

My dad rambles on quickly. "Well, I was just thinking about how we haven't been on a date in a very long time, and I was wondering if you would like... to go on one... with me..."

I giggle behind my hands at my dad's flushed look and my mother hesitates, still shocked before a smile covers her face.

"Of course i'll go on a date with you."

She finally takes in my dad's attire and chuckles. "Did Charlie set you up to this?" She glances over to me and I raise my hands.

"I didn't do anything!"

My mother rolls her eyes before kissing my dad on my cheek and skipping excitedly over to their room. "I have to get ready! I haven't been on a date in so long!" She shouts in happiness before shutting the door behind her and my dad releases a relieved sigh.

"I thought I was going to pass out."

I laugh, clapping my hands. "But easy right? Now you two go on the date, while I go over to Cora's!"

I begin to walk towards the door, but dad takes my collar yet again to pull me back with a look. "Will there be parents there?"

I sputter, my cheeks turning red and I slap my dad's hand off my shoulder and he laughs. "Of course there will be! I think! And I wouldn't do that, have you met me? I'm not interested in Cora that way..."

Charlie (UNREVISED)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora