Chapter 5

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(Slowly editing) My Life Hidden as a Shifter [Completed]

* Lightning's POV *

I woke up extra early this morning, feeling nervous and excited.

I headed for the bathroom, and got undressed, and I hopped in the shower. I make sure that I don't smell.

I got out and wrapped a towel around me, and strut out of the bathroom.

I went to my closet, thinking what I'm going to wear for my first day of school. I picked out a pair of ripped jeans, and a blue T-shirt that says 'I'm stronger than you', and I put some socks on, then put the black boots on.

I went to the bathroom again and blow dry my hair, then curled it. I put on light makeup, and put on little bit of lipgloss.

I grabbed my bag with my supplies in it, also I put my nature book in it too. I slipped on my necklace that was sitting by my book.

I ran to my door while I used my light power to turn off the lights in my room. I walked down stairs to the kitchen to eat something easy since my stomach was churning.

When I walk in, Tim, Mary, and and Daniel was already in there.

"Morning guys." I waved at them while going to the refrigerator to get some orange juice. I poured some in a glass while there was silence behind me.

I turned around, seeing Tim's head down, while Mary was angry. "What's going on, did I do something wrong?"

Mary shook her head no. "No, Lightning your not in trouble. It's Tim who is."

I looked at Tim while his head is still down. "Why is he in trouble, he didn't do anything." Mary shook her head.

"Yes he did. He left you here, then went to this stupid school thing." Mary was upset.

**"You missed your movie. You got sacks, and didn't eat it. He's grounded. For a week. He could've wait." Tim jumped up and slammed his hands on the table.

"I told you mom, Zach said I had to go, it was important." He looked at me. "I'm sorry Lightning please forgive me." I was shocked, that he wants to be forgiven.

It was a stupid meeting.

I took a chance, and read his mind to find why he had to go. 'There are rogues out there, make sure your sister is alright.' I looked down.

"I forgive you bro. Mary he doesn't need grounding, I got a punishment for him." Mary and Roger looked at me, even Tim. "He has to watch a girly movie for a whole week. No action, no video games, just girly movies and that's it." I grinned at that, while Tim was getting up tight about his punishment.

"WHAT, HOLD ON! WHAT?!?!" He yelled from across the table. I was laughing, that reminds me.

"Also Jo will to. I'll tell him at school." I got up grabbing my bag. I looked back at Tim, "Well are you coming or not."

He jumped off of his seat, and grabbed his black backpack, and keys. I didn't know he had a car or a truck.

"Alright, Lightning. Do that punishment for a whole week." Mary said while we headed for the kitchen door to Tim's car or truck.

"Thanks Mary." I said laughing, while Tim had his head down. As we walking out the kitchen door, I stopped him, and said,

"Tim, I was just joking. You don't have to watch girly movies. I was saving your butt back there." I said with a wink.

He smiled and gave me hug. We opened the garage, and I saw two red trucks, a blue car, and two motorcycles one blue, and one black.

I always wanted a motorcycle, a blue one anyway. Tim had one of the red trucks. I hopped in, throwing my bag, in the back seat.

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