Chapter 1: Beginning Part 2(continue on)

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My Life Hidden as a Shifter [Completed]

Note : This is a continue on of chapter 1.

It was Tim's turn to ask me a question which I was nervous about. "Well this is boring, can we leave now." That kind of made me angry as he looked at his phone, not bothering to ask me anything, and just a minute ago he looked friendly.

Mrs. Roger look at him with a death glare, it was to funny to watch because he lowered his head in submission. "Tim quiet, we have to make a choice of taking her." She said in a whisper, but I heard it.

My heart pounded against my chest, making me feel emotional and anxious.

Both adults glanced over at me, their eyes showing curiosity.

I just smiled at them while fiddling with my thumbs under the table. Praying, hoping, they would adopt me. It's boring here and I want something thrillful to happen in my life, and this is my ticket.

A gold ticket!

Mr. and Mrs. Roger both look at each other with a smile on their face before turning to me.

Mary, which I'm starting to love spoke first. "Would you like to be part of the family? It's up to you." She gave me a warming smile, that I can't even think now.

One way to end this madness, I said, "Yes, please! Oh thank you!" Mary started laughing softly, and Mr. Roger did the same.

Without thinking ahead, I jumped out of my seat, and ran over to them. Flinging my arms around them both, I squeezed them, but carefully not to crush their figures.

I was even surprised when they both return the hug, patting me carefully as well.

I pulled away and looked over at the teenage boy. He just sat in the chair next to the table, still texting away like monkey on crack. I walk up to him, and cleared my throat. The boy looked up, his eyes focusing on me. "Hi, new step-brother."

He acted confused for a minute before realizing the situation. I reach down and gave him a small hug. I even caught him off guard because he didn't move an inch, but when I was about to move away, he pulled me back into the hug.

He whispered in my ear, "It's an honor to have a sister like you. I will be the best step-brother you ever had." He said softly.

I just kept quiet while tears of joy run down my face. I suck it up, and said, "Thanks Timmy."

We pulled apart, then the door opened and Ms. Grossman came in with her fake smile like always. "So did you make your choice Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, about the adoption or would you want to continue to look."

I was still scared they would reject me but I was mistaken. "No, Ms. Grossman. We'll take Ms. Reed here, she's very kind and thoughtful. We'll take her."

I can tell that Ms. Grossman was shocked, but for once in my life she actually smiled, a real one. "Very well Mrs. Roger I will get the papers."

She turned to me and said, "Why are you still here? Go to your room, and pack, so you can leave. Now hurry on."

I ran out the door, and straight up to my room. I grab all my clothes out of the closet and dresser, then putting them in my suitcase.

I grab my dagger my once father made from under my pillow. I held it with nervous hands, they were trembling from memories. I found it fantastical. The reason why is because it hums under my touch every time I held it. The blade begins to curve from the handle, and it's the finest metal ever; inconel.

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