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Elizabeth's POV...

I didn't know that sitting on this bench will render me a kind of comfort that I wasn't expecting. It's true how time flies so fast but the memories will never last. And everytime I come to recall each piece, it makes me gawk at myself and laugh.

I looked at my hand and remember the one finger where I used to wear a different ring... different from the one I have right now. It was a ring that had sealed the kind of relationship I had with a very promising person. The one with a very down-to-earth and warming attitude. The one who had seen the core being that I was, who had made me laugh so freely and who had let me cry when I needed it. Without words and posing too much unhealthy pretension, he had seen me at my worst.... the one person I call, Eric.

I thank him for the friendship we had shared. I value those short years and I will always remember him as one of those very humble and unselfish persons I have ever encountered in my life's journey.

I thought he had forgotten me when I didn't get to hear anything from him. I admit, I felt bad and got angry. Why wouldn't I? He made me feel good, he helped me laugh harder when I was in so much pain and he used to leave me some wonderful thoughts about life and lessons I should keep without knowing that he is truly the one who needed them the most.

Stupid was I who didn't see that behind that kind of attitude he has, was a soul who's fighting to live. He didn't say he was sick and was struggling hard to keep going. And what made me angrier the most was that he died without me, his friend, on his side. All I ever got was a letter from him.

I remember, I went to London to visit him but more to rant him of his sudden quietness and being snobbish. I have called him for countless times that year but all went to vain. I never thought that the day I decided to visit him in London would be the day I will be saying my last goodbye to him. I only got the news from Miss Duran who's still working in that magazine company. I went to the graveyard where he is resting. I talked to him a little because I couldn't think of anything to say. He's braver than I thought he was and he's braver that I thought I was. I bade him for the last time and promised him that I will keep his memory with me.

I stayed for another two days in London after the news I had received from Miss Duran. I went to visit my grandfather who keeps bugging about keeping the mansion for me. I told him that I will if he will stay for real in Castle Combe and he just said that he'll think about it. I went to visit my best friend Abigail and my almost-a-brother, Lorenz who was baby-sitting little Annie that day. It was cute to see him carrying a baby. Who would think that the mischievous, easygoing man would be now a serious and jealous daddy? I am happy to see them as a happy family altogether.

Lorenz gave me the letter. He said, it was sent personally by Miss Duran to the office where I was once working as a personal assistant. She said she didn't know where to find me so she sent it there in the office the day after Eric died. I wondered why she didn't mention about this when I came to their company.

Going back to Wiltshire, I having nothing in my bag but the letter Eric left. I was afraid to read it but I had to. I was afraid because I was anticipating to see words full of regrets and sadness but then, like always, he didn't seize to amaze me...

To my dearest Elizabeth,

I know that by the time you receive this letter, I might be walking to a place where the heaven only knows. I don't feel sorry if you're not by my side. I chose it... I decided it. You've been such a wonderful friend to me and I can't let you see that I am suffering hard. I know your struggles although you try to stubbornly show me a sturdy heart. Isn't it a mockery to our friendship if I keep and add you up another burden to think about? You don't deserve such kind of miseries. Your heart is innocent and is wanting to taste the purest and kindest endeavor of human kind. So, who am I to offer you such a bitter taste?

YOU'LL ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME... Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt