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James' POV...


15 years ago...

"Boy, are you not bored spending all of your time playing and accompanying my grandchild wherever she goes?"

"No, sir. I like being with her. I like taking care of her. She usually get tripped by her own feet. If I don't stay beside her, I am afraid she will always fall and get wounds in the knees."

"But you can't always be with her everytime. She needs to be with people of her equal rank. I don't think it is healthy to be around with people of no standing in the society just like you. What will you teach her? A little girl like her, must learn the sophisticated manner in general-- how she must talk, walk, mingle with others. I am afraid your parents can't afford to pay a governess to teach you those things to make you become a man with refine manners."

"But my parents are working hard to provide me and my sister the essential things that we truly need. We are also learning the fundamental right manners and good conduct of what an individual must acquire through examples. My parents are educated people, not of the highest standard but just right enough to keep them humble and amiable."

"I see... but being the only grandchild, we want the best for her. I know you like her so much but your feelings for her is too immature. Time will come that she'll get tired of you being around her and that she will want to be in the circle where she truly belongs. She'll meet someone differently. Someone that is more appropriate and full of exciting stories to tell."

"She likes me, I can tell that. One time she said, when she is with those kids of your circle she only gets bored. She said they were no fun to be with. They only talk about their new toys or expensive gifts given by their relatives or a friend. But with me, she said she can see the world and thinks like all that compose it are hers. She loves nature-- the colors of the sky, the trees and the fields. She can easily get surprised and be delighted with the simple things around--"

"That's nonsense!"

A week after that small talk between me and Mr. Weston in his garden, my parents told me that we have to leave and transfer to the urban region where a relative of my father-- which I knew afterwards was his brother-- was ill and was given short time to live and enjoy his remaining days. He had a small business to manage and so as part of his death wish, he wanted my father to continue what he had started.

Before the day we left, the day after Lily's birthday, my mom gave me something.

"James, I know this is a sad thing but we have to carry on. I know how much you like Lorena and Tom's daughter but your uncle is dying and so we need to transfer in the city."

"Mom, can I go and see her for the last time before we part? Yesterday was her birthday and I didn't get the chance to see her and be on her party."

"Yeah, I know. Your aunt Lorena sent me an invitation a week before her birthday but then we had other engagement yesterday which was very important that we can't set aside just to attend the party."

"I understand mom. That is why I just wanted to see her today and maybe say my farewell."

"Yeah sure... you can. Wait, I have something to give you. Here, take this necklace and give it to her as your delayed present. She'll surely love that. It was given to me by your dad. According to him, his mother handed this necklace and told him to give it to the most special woman who will capture his heart. Now I am giving this to you, because I know how fond you are with her."

"I am not only fond of her, mom. I feel so sure that when we grow, I know she will be my wife."

My mom laughed at what I had just said. She shook my head and messed my hair.

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