Chapter two:

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6:26 pm:
I get on my bike and head towards Olli's place.

6:30 pm:
I arrive and ring his door bell.
He opens "-Hey you're exactly on time."
"-No shit Sherlock.", "-Come in."
He slightly bends and clears my way while his hand was signaling for me to get through.
"-Nice place.", "-Thanks." he replies.
"-So...where's Meiyl?" I ask. "-Dunno ain't she your bff?", "-Yeah, yeah... you're right..." I whispered on the "-you're right." part."-What was that?" He said in a cocky-lenny expression. "-I said I'll give her a call..." I said whilst I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.
She finally picked up.
"-Hey Rav."
"-Ey dawg, are you coming?"
"-Yeah.... I forgot to tell you... I'll be going to my grandparents sorry..."
"-Oh...welp have fun I guess."
"-You too."
I hang up.
"-So?" He asked. "-She can't come..." I responded dissapointed. " was originaly planned for the two of us anyway." "-What?" "-You heard me follow me." We got in his bedroom.

"-You got your switch?" He asked. "-Yeah." "-Cool gimmie a minute." He reaches for his game card and plugs it in his switch. "-Alright let's begin~"
We've been playing for a few minutes.
"-Woah you're good Rav!" "-Thanks wish I could say the same about you~", "-Meanie..." We kept gaming and swearing for a... Good hour at least... And yes we were sitting at his bed.
"-Nrgh!" I say as I strech after a match I won. "-You can lay down if you want." "-What...? In your bed...?", "-Yeah make your self at home." "-Okay..." I blushed a bit and laid down. We kept playing for one more hour. He puts his switch down after the last match. "What? Tired of me kicking your ass?" I said laughing mockingly. "-Wanna watch Netflix?" "-Why does everyone have Netflix except for me...?" He starts laughing. "-Your mom is that strict?" He asks. "-Sadly...I mean after lots of begging I got her to pay nintendo online..." "-Little poor you...~" He said mockingly. "-Shut up and turn the thing on..." I said "-Aye Hitler~!" I smacked his head and he started bursting in laugher while I was trying to hold mine... Soon enough we were laughing uncontrolably while he was trying to open Netflix. Eventually we calmed down. "So...what do you want to watch?" "-Avatar the last airbender. " "-Ok."

Timeskip: 8:18 pm:

"-I think it's time for me to go... Thanks for the Netflix and the food tho." "-No problem see you at school." "-Yeah see you!" I say as I grab my stuff, get out and close the house door.

'Well now I'm just bored...' I thought as I got on my bike and started cycling my way home.

Timeskip: 7:49 am. (Tuesday):
I arrive to hell-*Cough* *Cough* *Death* -school.
"-Eeeyyyyy! Wassup Ravvee?" Says Alex. "-Morning Alex how are ya?" "-Good you?" "-I dunno lately I've been feeling odd...." "-Eh?" "-I've been...thinking..."
"-What's on your mind?" "-Um...Whoah! Would you look at the time-" I say as I try to escape my deathbed..."-Whoah! Would you look at you not being able to escape my question." She says as she pulls me back. "-Eheheh....ₛₕᵢₜ...." "-Tᴇʟʟ ᴍᴇ ɴᴏᴡ." "-Ok, ok see I..." She calms down and releases me. "-I eeehhh... I think I like someone..."
"-Wₕₐₜ?!" Her jaw dropped. "-Tell me who >:3" "-ᴬʰ,ˢʰᶦᵗ ʰᵉʳᵉ ʷᵉ ᵍᵒ ᵃᵍᵃᶦⁿ..."

Timeskip: 9:00 am Lunchtime:

I'm doodling on my sketchbook because I'm bored.... Alex comes up to me
"-Hey Ravvee wha'cha doin'?"
"-Nothing much just drawing."
"-Can I see?"
"-Sure." I say and I make room for her.
She gets a closer look.
"-Wow this is pretty good! You're improving alot."
"-Thanks..." I say whilst I rub the back of my neck smiling.
"-Ravvee!" I hear someone call for me.
I turn around and...oh it's...him~....
He comes towards us and smiles.
"-Hey Ravvee."
"-S-Spyro..." I felt a bit uneasy saying his name for some reason...
"How have you been m-man, good...?"
"-Yeah I've been pretty well lately how about you?"
"-I-I've been amazing lately..."
"-Cool, hey what's that?" He says lowering his head a bit.
I blink and look at his direction, then to the place he was looking at, turns out he was looking at my sketchbook. I move my hand because it was covering the page and blush a bit. I didn't really feel comforttable having everyone looking at my drawings....
"-Can I see?"
"-Mhm..." I say turning the notebook upside down and giving it to his direction. I drew Spiderman....
"-Yo! You draw pretty well. And is that Spiderman?"
"-You're into Marvel?"
"-Kinda...I recently joined the fandom and it's pretty good... Even thought I haven't watched all the films..."
"-I suggest you watch the Infinity war or Captain Marvel, they're pretty good."
"-R-really...? I've been thinking of watching them...."
"-Ok, um... Can I ask you something?"
"-Y-yeah go ahead..."
"-There's a new Marvel film out this weekend and since you're new to the fandom would you like to watch it with me...?"
"-I-I'll consider it!"
"-Cool, keep up with the drawing skills, see ya!" He says putting his hands in his jeans and walking away. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy... I met him again after all these years... It feels like a bandage being put on my wound.... It's been so long since we last did activities together....Yes!
I snap out of my little world back to reality.
"-Yeah?" I turn my head towards Alex.
"-Who was that?" She says in a cocky manner while wiggling her eyebrows.
"-An old friend of mine."
"- You sure you see him only as a friend?"
"-InDuBiTaBlY." Oh shit, oh shit...I can't even speak properly now, oh shit....
"-( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
"-Goddamn it Alex...ok I like him..."
"-How much do you like him?~"
"-Do you like him you love him....?"
"-I lo-love him...a lot..." I say blushing even more.
"-Mmmm I see~....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ...."
"-Whipe that lenny look off your face Right. Fucking. Now."
She starts laughing a bit but then she calms down.

Timeskip/My ass is lazy, I already filled you with unnecessary shit last time: The next day 5 pm:

Football practice starts soon... I fill a bottle and take my sports bag.
"Bye mom!" I say opening the door and walking down the stairs.

I get out, get on my bike and head to the field.
Once I get there, I set my bike and walk to the changing room. I find Oliver. "Hey, thanks for yesterday."
"-Oh no problem, I guess..." "-So.... I'm kinda nervous since it' first time in this field and stuff..." "-I know what I recommend Rav, you'll love it."
"-I sure hope so.... The guys are chill right?" "-Yeah, chiller than the couples after Netfli-" I smack the back of his head. "PFFAAAAAAA-" He bursts out laughing. "-Ya nasty foul bitch." I say. "Anyway can you turn around I have to change." "-Oh yeah, yeah ofcourse." He turns around. "-Oh and, can you check if someone gets in?" "-Sure." He goes to the door and I keep on doing my thing. I change completely. "-Thanks." "-Don't mention it." We kept chit chatting until the other boys entered.

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