Chapter One:

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7:30 Am
"-GeT yO aSs OuTtA bEd! U gOt StUfF tO dO tOdAy!"
"-I aIn'T pLaYiN' wItH u!"
"-Tch..." Stupid alarm...
"-GeT uP-" I shut it up.
Yes...that's my alarm...
"-Ravvee! Are you up?"
"-Yeah ma..." I say whilst I grab my  school uniform.
"-I said I'm up ma."
"-Jason! Please go check on your sister...she isn't answering." Her deaf ass....
"-Ughhh..." I hear groaning from the hall.

"-Bro wait I'm naked!" I say as I almost hear the door open.
"-Mom, she's up."
"-Ok, answer me next time Rav!"
😑"-Aaaaargghhh!" I muffle-groan and facepalm. My mom has hearing problems... So I pretty much yell 24/7 to have her hear me...which is one of the main reasons I'm so loud...
I get dressed and open the door.
"Mom I answered like 100 times..."
" know my hearing isn't the best..."
"-Yeah mom...I do...but...I have a problem..."
"-What is it sweetie?"
"-Do i have to wear the skirt?"
"-Yes Ravvee it's part of the dress code .."
"-But it feels uncomfortable..."
"-I'm sorry Ravvee but it's like that."
"-I'm changing..." I get back inside and put on some comforttable tracksuit pants and get out again.
"-Can I come to school with pants just for today please...? It is the first day after all...we'll see what we can do if we talk to the princepal right?"
She sighs..."-Fine for today I guess..."
I go to the bathroom. After uh...shitting and washing my hands. I brush my teeth and get out
"-Nii-san you ready?"
"-Yeah...but mom can you do my tie...?"
"-Goddamn it kids..." she said while she took his tie in her hand and started to make it up.
"-I'm goin' downstairs for breakfast."
I hear as I walk down.
I take my phone and look at the time.

7:48 AM
"-Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh shit, shit, shit-" I mutter as I quickly try to make myself a butter-Nutella sandwitch.
"-Watch your language young lady!" I hear my mom scream.
"-Yeah! We don't use those types of motherfucking words in this goddamn house ya lil' shit!"
I heard a smack and a laugh. Yep, my mom smacked my brother with a towel. I could tell she found it funny tho. I could swear I saw her laugh. Me and my bro laugh our asses out. Then I rememeber I don't have time and try to Sonic style prepare myself.
I put on my shoes and grab my bag then I grab my breakfast sandwitch and keep eating.
"-Aren't you gonna brush your hair?" Mom asks
"-Nope." I say with my mouth full.
"-Stop talking while eating it's disgusting!" I hear my bro yell.
I make a cocky meme face as I start eating purposely with my mouth open.
"-Ravvee, you have to brush your hair you're a lady!"
"-I ain't no lady and I'll never be ma." I say right after I swallow my bite and go for another one.
"-Ravvee you look like a poor kid on the streets! Brush your hair!"
"-Fine!" I put my half eaten sandwich on the table and grab my comb.
I start combing my hair, put the bangs between my eyes and make my back hair poofy.
"-You could do better."
"-Damn it mom it's 7:52!"
"-Did you brush your teeth at least?"
"-Yeah ofcourse I did."
"-Good put on your shoes."
"-I already did."
"-Okay then." She grabs my shoulders and tries to kiss me.
"-Ewww ma!"
"-Shut up. Get on your bike."
"-Okay bye guys!"
"-Come on bro you start sooner!"
"-Okay kiddo coming, bye mom!"
"-Bye my babies!"
"-WE AIN'T BABIES MOM!" Both of us scream as we get out of the house.
"-See you later nii-san!"
"-See you kid." He says as he walks away.
I get in the shed to grab my bike.
Thank god I can ride with one hand otherwise I would be hungry now...
I take my bike, I get out of the garder and I start making my way to school.

7:59 Am
"-Thank god, Jesus, mother Mary and the 12 senders..." I say as I do my cross and anime cry from happiness that I'm not late on another first day.
I ran inside. Today's my second year in Junior high, I'm happy because my best friend will be with me since she's one year younger. Althought...I think it's kind of tought for her to wear a school uniform for the first time, especially since it has a skirt...
I see her
"Aye sup." I say.
"-Morning." She answers back.
"-How does it feel like being in Junior high for the first time?"
"-Not that bad if you discount the fact that I'm forced to wear a skirt."
" can always talk to the princepal."
"-Hmm...We-" She was interrupted by the school bell
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Our faces at the moment lol

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