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~Lost and broke, I feel like we can't get anywhere, enough to feel like leaving. Hopeless but I know that this can't be everything. We don't need this heartache. We could break away if you really want to run. Hard to keep the pace when you're staring at the sun.~ Harrison Storm.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Run' by Harrison Storm.

Warning: Chapter may be disturbing to some readers. Contains: Excessive swearing, violence and crime.


Third-person Pov

"Where on earth should we go from here?" Alex asks Alaric. "Do you think Ron Moretto will allow us to easily leave this city? The son of a bitch runs this town."

Alaric runs a palm over his face. "Good point. We are in the lion's den right now."

Instantly, the boys take notice of a group of cops in blue standing at the end of the road. They are stopping cars and seemingly carrying out spot checks.

Alaric tenses up. "Shit. I have a bad feeling about this. We have the guns in the back, we can't get caught by the fucking cops."

Max, who is riding his motorbike in front of the van holds his hand up, pointing a finger to his left to signal to them that he is taking an alternate route, opposite to the one they are currently on.

"Follow closely behind him," Alaric orders Alex, just before his cell starts ringing from his lap. With a tired grunt, he takes it up and presses it to his ear.


His face screws up as he jams a finger into his left ear. "Speak slower." Rapid breathing and chattering can be heard on the opposite end as Alaric's face slowly blanches. "They found out. How the hell—" He puts a hand to his forehead and Ansel glides to the edge of his seat.

"They found out?"

Alaric nods at him before responding to Ian. "Get out of there now, they will kill you. Yeah, I know you got this. Stay safe, little guy." He hangs up, shaking his head before glancing back at his brothers with an anxious expression.

They know Alaric. He is the type to stay composed even in the worst situation but today he seems unnerved and the brothers can tell.

This whole predicament is sketchy; he was not prepared for this. Yes, he and the boys were planning on raiding Ron's camp, but this is all too sudden, and now he has to be thinking on his toes for this early quandary.

Rainey feels awful. Not only has she made matters worse, but Ansel won't even look at her. She has been earnestly trying to catch his eyes to offer even a soundless apology, but he is deliberately looking everywhere else but at her.


"Ian! Open this door!" Fred is beating against the old wooden door of the bathroom that the thin boy stands behind, his eyes frantically scanning for an escape route.

Luckily, Ian is a remarkably observant person. After he excused himself to the back door and reported to Alaric that Rainey was with Ron Moretto, he returned inside to find Ron watching him suspiciously. Keeping his head bent, he finds his seat and continues to work.

After Moretto left the camp, Fred got a phone call less than thirty minutes after. Ian watched as the man's face morphs into all sorts. Fred then looks at him with narrowed eyes and the boy lowers his hazel orbs immediately, an upsurge of premonition washing over him.

He instantly conjures up from his seat and quickly makes his way to the bathroom. He phones Alaric, informing him that they have found out and that they will surely kill him. Ian then assured him that he will find a way to escape and that they should focus on leaving the city.  Hence why at this very moment he is pressing his skinny back against the door while the brawny man beats it down.

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