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I woke up late at around 12.00pm i took a quick shower and wore a knitted beige sweater and jeans. i guess they let me sleep in

 i walked to the bookshelf when heard a heavy voice behind me that made me jump

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 i walked to the bookshelf when heard a heavy voice behind me that made me jump. Ugh why do i keep doing that!i turned around a saw it was Amos. how did he even get in?!

He was holding a sandwich, typical.  "Don't you know how to knock?" i spat. "Opps sorry.Jeez why do you have to be so aggressive lil' siz."Amos said. i rolled my eyes. "So, what did you want?" i asked. "Oh Alex wanted to see you in his office.He asked me to take you there." he said biting his sandwich. 

I matched to the door."Shall we," i asked. He followed me . "i'm pretty sure you had breakfast" he shrugged and kept walking. He led me up a staircase i hadn't seen before.

we reached a hallway that was full of pictures many were of the boys, but i stopped at one it was the boys, mum and a man he was holding a small girl when i looked at it, it was me and.. my father. i traced my finger on that side of the picture. "he loved you a lot" i heard Amos say. I immediately removed my finger from the picture and we continued walking. "so much taht he wouldn't look for me?" i asked Amos looked like he was about to say something but then stopped himself.

We reached a door on the farthest corner of the hallway . He whispered into my ears a good luck and walked away. i reached my hand to knocked when i heard someone say a come in. i entered the room. i scanned my eyes across the room. there was a bookshelf , a very large table and five comfortable chairs around it. "Sit"he said coldly as he gestured towards one of the chairs. I sat down, many people would have been nervous but as for me i simply didn't care i had reached that point in life where i didn't care about anything.

He lifted his eyes from whatever his doing , we stared at each other before he cleared his throat and started speaking. " Mickayla  we are happy to have you here as much as it may not seem like it,  I know everything is confusing but you'll get all your answers and now since you're living here now i want you to know that there are rules that you should follow in this house talking  back drugs

3.keep your grades up from C 

4.Don't curse

5.No boys

6.don't lie 

7.Respect all your brothers 

i mentally rolled my eyes at the  4th and 6th rules. " Also you will be joining Golden Oak where the twins study after the mid-term break." . " That's all,unless you want to say something." he said. i opened my mouth to say something but decided against it. i stared at him blankly for a few seconds and then got up,

"Oh and Mickayla, am sorry for your loss." he said with no emotion in his voice. I stared at him with an emotionless face, and left the room. I went down the hallway and down the stairs 

I stopped at the door i had seen earlier. I conteplated with myself whether or not to open it and finally decide to open it. On opening i saw something i had missed for so long.

Hey guys long time no see huh? hope u enjoy this chapter. lysm guys😘😘💖

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