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Alex POV.
We all sat staring at our bambina the much she had gone through and she was now sound asleep b2n us, I slowly put her in her bed and covered her with her blanket, I placed a peck on her forehead and left her to sleep,. I looked at my brother's as Ace Andrew and I shared the same look, the twins looked at us knowing exactly what we were thinking.

We all got out of Kyla's room, We all decided it was best for her to wait at least a week till she started school. "Go to sleep boys we'll keep u updated, u've got school tomorrow, I'll talk to the principal about Kyla's situation." They reluctantly nodded.

Ace Andrew and I moved towards my office. "I always knew there was a reason I didn't want to kill that piece of shit!!" I exclaimed.
"He'll feel every single thing he put my sister through, he'll feel the pain he put dad through that sick bastard!!!" Ace said, he wasn't usually the rough guy, that was until you messed with what he loves. Andrew stayed silent and I knew the rage was building up in his chest, I'd seen this before and never ends pretty.

"I'll kill that man, I'll chop of the dick he ruined my sister with, I'll split his balls , I'll destroy his stupid face" Andrew snapped.

"We need to call Elopeh, he'll tell us where exactly he put that sick bastard is, he needs to prepare the 'toys' it's now our turn to play." I said sickly.


one day later

Kyla's Pov

i woke up to curtains being drawn as i groaned bcz of the blazing sunlight that disturbed my sleep,i covered my head with the blanket hoping i could sleep a bit more only for it to be ripped out of my hands.

i sat up on my bed narrowing my eyes at a smirking Andrew, "Oh you little......" he cut me off before i finished my statement "naaaaah you wouldn't want Ace to hear you cursing this early in the morning would you, i glared at him and huffed."come on you need to get out of bed, it's already 10.00am", i turned to my right and stared at the clock ,he was right,i guess i slept in for the first time, events of yesterday flashed through my mind and Andrew seemed to have noticed my change of my demeanor as he came and sat by me pulling me into a much needed hug," ur safe her hun, he won't hurt you ever again." he said. i gently pulled away and gave him a golden smile. "Ik i have you guys." i told him, after a while i pulled him up and pushed him out of the room so that i could start my day

i took a hot shower that helped to relax my tensed muscles , i settled on a knitted long sweeter and leggings. 

i went down the steps and into the dinning room where i found Andrew alone. i grabbed an apple and sat on top of the counter, "where are the rest? " i asked "Well Ace had to go back to the 'office' and so did Alex and the twins went back to school so i am stuck on baby sitting duty" he said in a monotone voice, "Omg i knew this day would come, they left me in the house with you, there's no surviving, I'm gonna die! help, i'm gonnna die!" i said as i yelled around in fake panic.   "Very funny Kyla, haha" he said staring at me blankly,

later that day i went into my favourite room which so happened to be the library but my favourite part was the piano, once i touched the keys it was like a whole new world took me in, i remembered how mama and i used to go to church, i chose to play silent night which used to be mama's favourite Christmass song, i hummed to the tune keeping the tears away, the song really reminded me of her. i opened my eyes when i felt a presence next to me. "That was beautiful Kyla" Andrew whispered, "it was mom's favourite." i said with a small smile. "Can you play another" he asked as i smiled and started playing Oceans by Hillsong, it was  my favourite worship song

we spent the rest of the day with me playing Andrew different songs, i actually enjoyed his company, i guess this is what having a family felt like

he ordered macdonalds when he noticed that it was already passed lunchtime, we then watched BelAir when i fell asleep in b2n,

Andrews, Pov

i watched her as she slept against my shoulder, she looked so peaceful. ilaid her on the pillow and covered her with a blanket, there were a few things i needed to take care of but i did all the work from Alex office bcz i couldn't leave Kyla alone in the house, it was really nice spending my time with her but i had to take care of the business while Alex and Ace took care of that bastard, after a while i realized it was late and i went downstairs to start preparing dinner bcz the boys would be back anytime now after basketball practice , when i entered the living room, panic rose in my chest when i didn't see Kyla at the couch but then a sweet smell lured me into the kitchen as i watched my little sister cook, 

"wat are u making?" i asked as the smell only got even better, "Raviolli and Lasagne ," " smells  amazing" i told her, just then the twins walked in while chatting about something of their own, "Amos, it smells amazing in here" amos said, "You on the contrary smell disgusting, go take i shower" i told him as Adrian went over to try and taste the cooking food, Kyla slapped his hand out of the way, "Ewwww go shower then you can enter my kitchen," she said as she kicked him out of the kitchen with a pout on his face following his brother up the stairs,

After 10 minutes or soo the boys came down as we finished setting the table, i told them to dig in as obviously Alex and Ace would be late, after dinner they all went up to their rooms, as i waited anxiously for the two to arrive

boring chapter, ik ik but the next will have some action. stay tunned.

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