Chapter 39

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 "Alpha, Luna." Jaxon bows his head low in submission when we enter.

"Jaxon. I'm glad to see you've healed." I say walking towards him. Because of his wolf healing he only had a few bruises.

"Thank you Luna."

"I wanted to try something today, to try and confirm my suspicions. I'm sure you were wondering why we're in the sparring circle?"

"Yes Luna."

"Well that's because you're going to fight me."

A loud growl reverbeats around us and my arm is pulled back sharply into Roman's chest. There are a few guards here and I can feel through my connection with the pack their anxiousness at what I just said.

"Roman, I'll never know until I do if he's really telling the truth." I say gently rubbing his arm. "You know I've got this,"

He sighs and lets me go - well that is certainly progress!

"Luna, I c-can't - I couldn't possibly fight you!" Jaxon looks mortified as he looks between me and Roman.

"Trust me Jaxon, I give you permission to. If anything should happen to me in this session, you will not be punished." I say nonchalantly, rolling up my sleeves and getting in a fighting stance.

Roman growls lowly again but I ignore him as Jaxon hesitantly gets into a fighting stance as well.

Suddenly we start and I leap towards him, kicking him in the gut twice than punching him so he falls flat on the ground.

"Seriously, Jaxon. I know you're restraining yourself, but that may not be the best idea."

I go towards him again, this time punching him square in the jaw. He seems to get the idea that I mean business and he tries punching me, but I dodge it and catch his arm, turning my back to him and flipping him over my shoulder.

He picks himself off and shakes it off, running towards me with determination in his eyes, swinging his fist at me but I duck and kick him in the balls, watching satisfied as he grunts in pain and falls to his knees.

I'm surprised when I realise I can sense his tiredness and defeat through the pack link, but then again he's still part of the pack.

"You were trying, weren't you." I say slowly.

He nods.

"You're an incredible fighter, Luna." He chuckles a little and stumbles trying to get up.

"I try to be," I smirk playfully and put my hand out to shake. He seems surprised at first but smiles and reaches his hand out to take mine, that is until it's pushed away violently by Roman.

"Makada, let's go." He says annoyed. He takes my hand and we starts walking away from Jaxon. I let it go as I know it took a lot for him to let me fight Jaxon in the first place, and it's just apart of him to be this protective.

"Roman, I think this is another sign he was being controlled, I mean before I couldn't fight him at all. It was like he had super strength but out there it was way easier than fighting Dimitri."

Roman laughs a little to himself.

"Jaxon never was the top at fighting."

We make it back to Roman's office and I settle myself on one of the couches.

"I think that someone very powerful must have been controlling him, but how? There has to be some kind of...magic. It would have to be a witch or warlock or something."

Roman sits next to me and lifts me onto his lap.

"Not necessarily, Bella. It could be a vampire." (beautiful)

"What do you mean?"

"Well every vampire has a I guess. It could be anything from teleporting to being invisible."

I gasp.

"That's incredible!"

He chuckles.

"A vampire however never tells anyone what their gift is other than their most trusted allies. Otherwise it could be used against them."

I nod trying to understand.

"That makes sense, but what about you? Do you have a power?"

"Yes, my speed is not a natural werewolf characteristic. That comes from Damon."

"Woah." I whisper.

He chuckles at my antics but our moment is interrupted when Dimitri, Nolan, Cason, and Aella come into Roman's office.

"Roman, Makada. We've gotten some news." Nolan says.

"News? What kind of news?" I stand up off Roman's lap and he does the same.

"Jaxon remembered something about his captors, apparently they planned on raging war in the next month." Aella says calmly.

 "Are we prepared?" I ask.

"We think so but we don't know exactly what we're dealing with, the only thing Jaxon could remember was that there was an army from about 500 to 1,000." Cason says.

I suck in a breath worriedly. There's about 800 wolves capable of fighting in the pack, I just hope it's enough...

"We are going to double training sessions and intensify the instruction. Cason, I want you to get every teen above 16 training with the adults. Make sure they can shift." Roman orders as Cason nods. He gives out more instructions and soon it's just me, him and Nolan.

"Nolan, can you get in touch with Alpha Donovan, we could use his armies."

"Yes Alpha."

"Who's that?" I ask as Nolan leaves. Roman walks behind his desk and gets busy with papers.

"A neighboring Alpha with a pack similar to ours. We are thankfully on good terms right now, but I don't want you talking to him." He pauses for a minute and looks at me to make sure I get the message before continuing with his work.

"Ok but why?"

"Alpha Donovan is the cruelest and coldest Alpha in the Northern hemisphere. Although his pack is only a little larger than ours, he has taken down armies twice our size. He's also not one to accept new pack members. Any Alpha would be a fool not to respect him." Roman growls out, obviously a little frustrated on the subject.

"Geez, anything else I should know?"

"He's also unmated."

It all clicks and I can't help the giggle that escapes me.

"So that's why you don't want me talking to him? He hasn't found his mate?"

Roman glares at me and I instantly sober up from my fit of giggles.

"Well looks like we better get working to be ready by the time Alpha Donovan gets here, Alpha."

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