Chapter 30

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"How did you guys know?" I ask, taking another sip of my orange juice.

Seb looks at me with a sad smile. We are sitting on the front porch, looking at the sunrise. I couldn't sleep last night, too many nightmares. So I just got up and went into the kitchen, only to see Seb awake too.

"It was Nolan actually who first really brought it up. He said he could just sense that something was off - even the way that you walked. Once he said that we all became aware of how strange you were acting. Nolan then told us that Jaxon kept asking about you and acting weird as well so we had the idea to get him drunk, he was the only person out of all of us that we didn't fully trust. Roman at first told us not to worry about you," he takes a sip of his orange juice as I look expectantly at him.

"Something about Grammy being terribly sick." He looks over at me with an eyebrow raised and I lower my head. Should've known Roman would ask Seb about Grammy.

"Anyway, Aella noticed a limp and so, we just went with it. No one wants to see you in pain."

I nod and look back out at the beautiful view.

"I'm scared Seb. I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me." I whisper.

He sighs and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"This pack would do anything for their Luna, and we would do anything for you. Please Kada, we don't need a martyr, and I can't lose you. Let me protect you from people like him now that I can."

I know that he's thinking of Adryan and Mom and Dad.

I nod.

"I couldn't even fight him." I mumble.

Sebastian's head snaps up and he looks at me with hard eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"He was the strongest person I've ever met. He doesn't even look that strong, but I couldn't push him away or even punch him and actually do damage. It was like he was unbeatable."

His eyes swim with confusion as I watch him think.

"Seb? What is it?"

"Kada, you are the strongest warrior. When you first came here you beat the best warriors, later you beat Dimitri and the best fighter in the pack besides Roman, and you gave Nolan a good beating. There's no way Jaxon should have been able to beat you - i mean, he doesn't even look like he's stronger than Dimitri." He shakes his head and stares off into the pink and orange ridden sky.

I sigh and rub my eyes. I don't want to think about this anymore.

"Just forget about Jaxon and his strength and the beatings - just let me forget about it." I think to myself.

We sit in silence for a few minutes.

"Hey how goes it with Caroline?"

Seb chuckles and his eyes gaze off, clearly thinking of her.

"Hello? Earth to Seb?" I giggle.

"Makada she is so perfect and sweet and adorable! Sometimes she even acts shy around me! It's the cutest thing and have you noticed how she twirls her hair when she's nervous or embarrassed? And whenever she's frustrated have you noticed how her nostrils flare a little bit and she fiddles with that ring she has on her thumb? Oh and she -"

"Alright! I got it I got it, you love her."

He sighs.

"I never thought I could be this happy."

"I know."

I rub his arm and smile.

He pats my hand, but then moves his longish hair back to reveal his neck.

Little Red and the Big, Bad, Wolf.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum