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In the pitch black, a glow emanated in the palm of her hand. She manipulated the weak metal at the base of the bulb, calling it to her. It hovered in between her palms, the light flickering at first, but growing strong until she powered it directly.

"Where do these powers come from?"

Again, Kressick answered. "No one knows really. There are rumors and myths, but all they amount to is guesswork from people who cannot fathom a great phenomenon like the one we carry."

"Tell me one of the myths."

Her impatience caused the bulb's glow to increase. Moretz shielded his eyes with his arm, but Kressick seemed unaffected by the blinding light as he spoke.

"One of the oldest, and I believe most ridiculous, myths is the one claiming our bloodline is a diluted dissemination from Greek gods."

The temptation to laugh was strong, but she held it back. She saw a reflection in a mirror on the drawing room wall and barely recognized herself. The glowing light in her hand, the intense look on her face, and sapphire eyes that literally sparkled with energy...well, she certainly looked godly. There could be something to Kressick's myth.

"What I believe," he continued, "is that we are a part of nature. We are a mutation, nothing more, nothing less. Life evolves, finds new paths. We're just another new path. There are no gods involved, just the simple and steady march of progress."

"Progress? We're not a progression. We're—what do you Brits say? Cock-ups?"

The bulb flared a mix of white and red, then burst.

The two men put up their arms to prevent flying glass from harming their faces. Three pieces of glass cut through Moretz's suit jacket, burying into his arm.

"Christ!" he yelled.

Ada was only cut once, near her cheek. Her fingertips came away with a tiny smear of blood.

The other lamp switched on, and she realized Kressick had done it, without touching any of the switches.

Gingerly, he bent to retrieve the broken pieces of glass on the floor. "Perhaps we're both. All I know is I've had to hide out for a good portion of my adult life after the rise of the State. They're looking for Specials like us, talented people who can do things others can't. To what end, who knows, but our family hasn't been safe for decades. Safety is another reason your father and I needed to watch you."

His reasoning sounded legitimate. Until she looked at her father, his face twisted by a frown. He removed glass from his arm, muttering to himself. The words were mostly inaudible, but she picked up the word "bitch." When he noticed her attention, he stopped complaining and tried smiling at her. His sore smile resembled more of a snarl. Safety had not been part of his motivations for sending Kressick.

"And now? Do I join your Justice League?"

Kressick laughed, while Moretz grimaced.

"Hardly," her father said. "We want to help you. Let you know you're not alone. I know you might be averse to trusting me. Your mom probably told you things—"

Skipping over the "things," Ada went straight for the source of why she really despised Moretz.

"I know all of the things you did to me, you bastard. You want to help me now?"

Silence. She repeated her question. Moretz blinked rapidly.

"My childhood was shit because of you, and my husband is dead, but now you're going to help me? Now you're a caring person, there to make sure I don't accidentally hurt anyone? Now, thank my lucky fucking stars!"

After each "now" she advanced on Moretz.

He stood and stumbled backward. "No one was at fault. I can see why you're mad, but—"

She threw one arm out in his direction, and he flinched. "All your fault!"

When no lightning bolts hit him in the chest, he relaxed. "If I had known about my power, I could have learned to control it. Don't you understand? Not knowing cost me everything. Cost me my husband. "

The lamp Kressick turned on glowed brighter and brighter, Ada made sure of that. The wall panel in the room sparked, emitting smoke. A titanium pen from a nearby desk flew like a missile through the air and punched Moretz into the leg. He yelled at her, but she was busy concentrating. She had meant to hit him in the heart, but her power of levitation was still new. Full control over metal objects was not an easy task. He tried to pull out the pen without much luck. Even through her rage, she caught his nod at Kressick.

A black curtain descended over her eyes.

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