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The same car had followed them for half a day now.

Sometimes it was directly behind them, sometimes it was two cars away. But always behind.

Ada neglected to mention her suspicions to Kressick. She would rather get the job done herself. It was quicker that way.

Releasing a yawn, she stretched her arms as high as the compact vehicle would allow.

"Gonna take a nap."


Ada reclined and closed her eyes. Once her breathing had settled, she visualized the road populated with vehicles. She held them in her palm, ready for her command. Then she conjured the stalker car:

Black, sleek, tinted windows

An errant connection flickered inside of her, like an engine firing. Mentally, she reached out a tether and took hold. Suddenly Ada had control of the stranger's car. And she knew just what to do with it.

Though not fully electric, it still used interface technology. Before she implemented her final plan, she had other things to do. Quickly, she flipped through the ephemeral files in the interface system, in search of an agenda. There were saved files with names like Open, Closed, and Research. Then she came across a file labeled, In Pursuit.

The file contained dozens of names, with a familiar one at the top:

Ada Freyr.*

Even as she expected this very scenario, seeing her name was startling. The asterisk detail was far more disturbing:

Pursue to confirm N.A. activity.

Ada's heart bottomed out. N.A.? Someone at the hospital had seen her abilities. Or Edwin turned her in, that little shit.

In the research folder, she found the answer. Her mother's neighbor, Harmon, had called in a tip about her. 'Shootin' lighting from her hands,' he claimed. Damn.

Ada's carelessness had jeopardized everything. Interstate travel would be impossible with this threat hanging over her.

She kept hold of the foreign interface. The encryption software was unlike any she'd encountered. Most likely the car belonged to a Sammie. Rather than dwell on how fucked she was, Ada reacted.

A switch flipped in her head. With the switch, the wording in the file changed.

Freyr contacted. Negative for N.A. activity.

She moved file with her name on it from In Pursuit to Closed. Whether or not it would work, she had no way of knowing. But it was all she could do. And one more thing.

Ada conjured the image of a small flame. Deliberately, she doused the flame. In reaction, the engine in the black car sputtered and went cold. Without power, the car slowed. The surrounding drivers braked and honked. Ada cracked open her eyes and turned to watch the commotion.

The unknown driver swerved to the shoulder to avoid getting hit from behind. Several cars swerved around the black car, honking incessantly.

Kressick adjusted the rear view mirror, whistling in surprise. "Goodness. They could have really been hurt."

"Yeah, they could've."

Lucky I didn't explode the engine.

Ada wasn't looking to kill everyone. Just the one guy would do. She realized that her revenge mission was also a getaway. As in she had to get far, far away. Though, the reality of it was, distance had nothing to do with eluding a Sammie.

Not for this.

She was officially what Cybil had warned her about: a Special, wanted by the State.


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