Chapter 11

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*Edwards POV*
It had been five days and she still wasn't awake. It wasn't supposed to take this long! I was panicking.

What if she didn't wake up? What if she stayed like that forever? What would I do without my mate?

Jasper felt my panic and sent me a wave of calmness. I silently thanked him and continued to pray that Nix was going to wake up.

She then started to move around. She was whispering things in an ancient language I didn't understand.

I went over to my mate and held her hand, trying to see if she'll respond.

"It's going to be okay. I'm right here." I coo, hoping she heard me.

All of a sudden, she jerks up with a gasp. I instinctively pull her close to me. She was breathing heavily and she had shock, confusion, and a tiny bit of fear in her eyes.

"It's alright. Your going to be alright." I say as I stroke her hair.

"Edward." She whispers, almost inaudible but with my enhanced hearing, I heard her.

"Yes." I ask.

"I remember." She stays. She looks up at me, meeting my eyes.

"What do you remember." I ask, somewhat stern.

"Everything. What I am, what had happened to my kind, My ability's. Everything." She tells me.

"Carlisle figures out what you are. The venom must of triggered your memory." I tell her.

"Do you hate me? Are you going to leave me because I'm a Phoenix?" She asks. I can hear the sadness in her voice.

"What, No!" I say. "I don't care what you are. You are my mate and I love you no matter what you are." I honestly tell her.



"I am your mate and you are my spark. We were made for each other." I look at her, confusion written on my face.

"A spark?" I may know what Phoenix's are but I'm not that well informed about them.

"A spark is like out mate. Except a hundred times stronger." She explains. "Once you meet your spark, you can not live without them. Literally. If you were to ever leave me for about a month without coming to see me every once and a while, it would become hard for me to breath and my heart would eventually stop. I would die a human death. The only way I could come back is for you to come back and say 'I'm here and I'm not leaving again. I promise'. Then my eyes would shoot open, my mouth taking in the air and my eyes would glow. A sunset orange. Keeping you to that promise."

(A/n: I completely made all this up. None of this is real. I just made this up in my mind.)

Everyone had heard us by now and were in the room. Jasper, Rosalie and Lillian were hugging her in an instant. Pushing me away.

She hugs them back.

"Thank the gods your alive. I don't know what I would have done if you died." Lily says.

"Technically I would have come back if I did die." She says, pulling away from the hug.

"You Remember." Jasper says, not as a question.

"Yes. And I presume you all figured it out." She asks.

We all nod. Alice comes over and pulls her into a hug.

"You had us all worried sick for days." Alice says.

"How long was I out for?" Nix ask.

"Five days." I answered.

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