Chapter 30

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Chapter 30
|Two hearts beat as one|

Leanna Russel

Half an hour later of watching the outside through the window and wondering when I will be able to be out there in the ocean but the door finally unlocks and Silas steps inside. I glare at him. "Why did you lock me in here?" I ask him as I walk over to him. Silas only smirks at me and gestures for me to follow him and I do but he doesn't answer my question and I get the feeling that he's not going to answer it any time soon, that I can tell.

I follow him out the bedroom and into the hallways but I'm still a bit annoyed with him as he did lock me in there, again. I wonder if that is going to be something that he's going to keep doing from now on but I think that he's doing this only to annoy me since it seems he likes to do that. I notice that he has changed his clothes. Now he wears loose pants and a t-shirt. Is he going to join me out there? Do I want him to be there with me? I'm not sure if I want to know the answer to that.

But I can't think of that now as he opens the door to the world outside and I smile with joy as the sun kisses my skin as I'm outside, it warms me sweetly as I feel myself walk to the ocean. It is as if I'm compelled to walk over there. My bare feet burn by the hot ground but it doesn't matter to me as I walk over there. The soft and quiet breeze blows past me yet it is barely there and I can barely feel the touch on my skin.

Going over to the sand where tickles my toes with delight and I let out a giggle and a laugh. I lay one of the towels down and then I put the other one on that one and then I take off the t-shirt and the shorts that I'm wearing and I continue my walk to the ocean. I can smell the scent of it and I can hear how it moves. The waves are so majestic that it's unreal. This is everything and I wonder how people walk past this and just don't bother to look at this beauty.

Walking over to the ocean until my feet touch the wet sand and I allow the water to touch my skin. It's warm and comfortable. I don't look but I know that Silas is behind me but he doesn't matter to me right now. I walk deeper into the ocean until the water reaches to my knees and even then I go further. The waves are a bit stronger, though none of that matters as I'm actually in the ocean. This is everything to me, it's amazing in ways that I can't even begin to explain in words.

I close my eyes as I walk on the sandy bottom and walk deeper into the ocean. This feels amazing and while the ocean is warm it is still cooler than the sun and it does cool me down while I'm there. When I open my eyes again the water has gone to my mid chest and only then do I turn around to notice that on the beach Silas stands there near a tree which he leans against and he watches me, his eyes are on me and I grin at him when I meet his gaze.

I look down at the water and some of it clear but other parts aren't so clear and while I can't see the bottom where my feet are, I know that there is only sand. I'm not sure if there is any fish around here but I've not seen any but then again I think they would swim away if I approach or go near them so I don't even think I would be able to see any fish even if I wanted to see them. A laugh escapes past my lips as I play with the ocean water.

Taking into my hands which I've made into a large bowl and then throw above me and let the drops fall down at me with so much joy. This is so perfect. The ocean is amazing and I wish I could never leave but I know that I will have to leave some time later but for now I'm going to enjoy this moment. I'm not going to attempt to dive into the water because of the salt which I don't want to get into my eyes. Perhaps that is for later. I make a mental note to get goggles when I come here later.

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