Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
|The soul yearns for things we cannot have|

Leanna Russel

"You're in deep thoughts?" Trina asks me as we're eating lunch. My mind has been racing for a long time as nothing is making any sense to me at all. Silas has confused me to the point that I did not know existed. I lightly shake my head and look at her. "I do have much to think about" I tell her and she nods. Knowing that I can't speak about it, she doesn't like the fact that I can't talk about my patients. "Now, I want to talk about you carrying something" She says and I raise an eyebrow.

"Carry?" I ask her confused and puzzled. "Yeah, either a taser or some self-defense weapons" She says and my eyes widen. "No. Trina, you know how much I don't like those things" I tell her. Trina should've known this by now. "Yes, but we are all worried about you. It's one thing being the therapist to the most wanted criminal in the world but it's another being his therapist when he doesn't wear chains. I'm worried about you, Lea" She says and takes my hands into hers and lightly squeezes and I do too.

"I know you worry about me but I'm safe, trust me. I am safe and I know all the protocols and if he does get aggressive then I know what to do. Don't you remember, you made me go over it about a hundred times when I started working here" I remind her and she smiles as she holds my hands and I smile to her too. "I know but Lea, you're my best friend and I can't bear anything happening to you and especially when you're with him" She tells me and she has tears in her eyes.

"Aw, Trina. Nothing is going to happen to me. There are guards everywhere" I tell her. She knows rather well how many guards there are in this place since she is a guard herself. "That doesn't stop me from worrying. You aren't exactly the type that would fight back if anything were to happen" She says and I smile to her. "Of course I would not have fought back, I mean that is not good. Someone could get hurt" I tell her but Trina can only roll her eyes at me. Did I say something wrong? "See, this is what I'm talking about" She says.

I don't get it. "I really need to go now, my session with Silas is about to begin" I tell her as I stand up. "Can I at least walk you there, just so you'd get there safely?" She asks me and I nod. Trina worries too much about everything, I suppose she has to since she is a guard and she is a rather good one too. We walk down the hallways. "Tell me one thing, are you scared when he's there with you in there without chains?" Trina asks me and I lightly giggle.

"It's a bit strange to have him move around my office like that but it doesn't make me scared necessarily, just that I'm not used to it but I'm sure I will be in a couple of days" I tell her. It is the truth, I don't think I feel fear around Silas or the fact that he's not in chains anymore but it's because I'm not used to it and this isn't really the type of thing that is normally done so it will take me time to adjust to it. "All right but let me know if you don't get used to it, I'm sure something will be done in the matter" She tells me.

Standing in front of my office, I smile to her. "Now go do guard things, I'm sure you have a lot of things to do" I tell her, I truly don't know what much what gauges do, except for guarding but still I'm not that familiar with them. "Your right, I will see you later" She says before she brings me into a hug which I gladly accept and hug her back. "Be safe" I whisper to her. When she worries about me doing my job, I worry about her doing her job.

Trina did get a bruise a couple of days ago and it's not that good, she's getting hurt and that is the thing that we should be worried about and not me. "I always am" She says as we break the hug and she walks back down the hallways while I unlock my office and walk inside. I'm surprised when I see Silas standing by the window with a guard by his side.I lightly gasp when I see them as I did not expect them to be in my office.

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