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Day 15
C.R.O.S.S. Laboratories
Aves Department

LAST NIGHT I hardly got any sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about what Dr.Pierce had planned for me today.

Today, I would not only get to see the subject again but for the first time since our accidental meeting, he would get to see me too. It goes without saying that I was nervous. After all, this would be our first scheduled interaction, and if I didn't want to end up stuck in a tree, I had to make a good impression.

Thankfully I wouldn't be going in completely oblivious. In fact, over the last few days, Dr. Pierce had me observe the subject's daily routine in preparation.

I took notes on what I observed.

8:00 am
Wake up and breakfast

9:00 am
Stretching and aerobic exercise

10:00 am
Weight lifting and strength training

12:00 pm
Lunch-break in the observatory

2:00 pm
Daily check-in questionnaire

3:00 pm

5:30 pm

7:00 pm
Retire for dinner

For a few days, I watched from behind the glass as a silent observer. I also took notes on how Dr. Pierce interacted with him since the subject seemed to tolerate her more than any of the other researchers.

Since the incident in the gym, the scientists have kept their distance and he had been working with Dr. Pierce almost entirely. She hoped that by observing her, I could take over and help the subject through his routine in her stead. She said by the way he reacted to me when we first met that this goal would be possible.

Though I was nervous, watching the subject when he wasn't angry seemed to calm me down. He looked gentle with Dr. Pierce, almost like a lost puppy during his lessons. I loved the way his eyes would widen when Dr. Pierce taught him something new in his lessons and hoped that he would give me the same look when I took over.

I was anxious to begin subbing for Dr. Pierce. I had been watching his routine and felt confident in my ability to succeed with most of the tasks. Though I fear some of them will be a challenge.

Just having to watch the testing was hard. Seeing him go through the physical pain of strength training, tests and various injections was rough. If watching was this difficult for me, I wasn't sure I would be able to be the one who actually inflicted the pain.

Dr. Pierce noticed my discomfort one day and she gave me some advice.

"If the testing stops then so does his life. It is uncomfortable but necessary to keep this program from being terminated."

With her words on my mind, I pulled into the compound and parked my car. Grabbing my notes, I locked the car and rushed to the building. Today I would be meeting the subject again. The memory of him lifting the 500-pound weights playing over and over in my mind only increased my nerves. But to say I wasn't excited would be a lie. I wanted to see him again. I wanted to talk to him, maybe to even apologize for running out on him like that. I bet he already feels like I freak and my actions just made it worse.

I had to make a conscious effort to walk normally as I entered the lab. Walking straight through the halls, I made my way to the Observatory where Dr. Pierce had told me to meet her the day before.

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