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"Follow me," She had said.

As if she even had to say. Ever since I first saw her, I knew I never wanted to lose her. Everything about her was bright; her sunshine hair, her platinum smile. She was like sunlight, and I couldn't look away.

I thought about telling her that once, when we sat together on the grass and looked up at the glass dome I called home. The rays of light that flittered through the trees above us illuminated her skin, making her glow. I had never seen anything so beautiful, and I wanted to tell her that.

But I couldn't.

There were so many times like this when I wanted to say something, but my words failed me. I am not sure why this is. It frustrated me because I wanted to say more to her, but I never seemed to be able to.

You're weak. The voice chided, making my head pound. Over the years, I have tried numerous times to block it out. I was successful for a while, forgetting all the painful memories of the voice that haunted my youth. But as soon as I heard his voice again, and saw how he gripped Aurora around the neck, it seared its way into my mind.

Remembering how that evil man slammed my Aurora to the wall made my hands clench. My thoughts began to spiral, growing darker and more hateful. My hands began to burn, my talons threatening to break skin. Then she laughed.

I stilled.

The musical sound filled my senses, pushing away all the pain, confusion, and darkness. I closed my eyes for a brief moment, listening, hoping her laugh would engrave itself in my mind and stay there forever.

As her laugh faded, the room grew cold again. Opening my eyes, I noticed she had turned away from me, making her way out of our room, taking all the light out of the room. Immediately, I followed.

Flexing my back, I tucked my wings in, making my way through the small doorframe to chase after her.

I caught up easily, keeping a careful pace behind her as we walked down what Alieen had called a 'hallway'. I did my best to mimic her comfortable stride, but I was still on edge. My entire life, I had always had a routine. I felt comfort in that routine because I always knew what to expect, even if it was something bad. But ever since we left the lab, I have felt nothing but uncertainty. It made me anxious, never knowing what was coming.

Even now, as I followed Aurora down the hall, I was filled with uncertainty about where we were going and whether or not someone would break in right now and steal her away from me. My chest ached at the thought, and I ran a shaky hand through my wet hair. She walked slightly ahead of me, suddenly too far away for my liking. I thought of holding her hand, but she turned into another room as soon as I reached out to her.

Unwilling to let her out of my sight, I quickly followed. My eyes widened in recognition. I remembered this room. Memories of last night came back to me as I glanced around the small area. I remembered the soup Aileen had given me while we sat at the wooden table. I remembered the questions she asked me, not about my wings or how I got here, but about the things that I liked. Most of all, I remember feeling strangely at ease with this unfamiliar person. I tried to recall more, but my mind failed me. I could only remember bits and pieces of last night and the bitter red liquid that made the room spin.

"What's wrong?" I heard Aurora ask from beside me. I still hadn't moved from the doorframe.

"I was...thinking," I said quietly, tucking a strand of wet hair behind my ear.

"About what?" she inquired, gesturing for me to sit down. I obliged, entering the room to take a seat at the table. I watched as she began assembling a plate of food for me.

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