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We stand in front of the door of my old house. Alec knocks a couple times. I can hear shuffling inside. My mom swings the door open and embraces Alec in a tight hug.

"Ah you brought him!"she says letting him go.

"I'm Karla" she says.

"Alec lightwood ma'am" Alec says with grin.

"Glad to know you missed me mom" I say scoffing.

"Oh Elizabeth!" She says hugging me too.

"Come in" she says motioning us to come inside.

I put my suit case down. "Hey mom do you have chocolate?" I ask.

"Oh no you don't" alec says stopping me. "It has milk so it'll hurt your stomach" he says stubbornly or maybe I'm stubborn. No

"Alec please I have been deprived of dairy treats since you've found out" I say whining.

"No beth. If you want chocolate you have to eat the dairy free kind" he says scolding me.

I scoff and I hear my mom laugh. "You think this is funny?" I ask playfully.

"You guys are worse then I thought." She says almost crying. "You guys act like a married couple" she says.

"I might as well be married. You know how many times he makes me look for his socks?" I say Alec playfully shoved me.

"Remind me again how much you complain about your feet hurting after work?" He says sarcastically.

My mom keeps laughing. "Ok kids go upstairs and ditch your stuff. I assume Alecs friends would like to see him" she says.

"Hey what about me? I have friends" I say offended.

"Yes beth but do they want to see you" she says lifting an eyebrow.

I shake my head. "That's cold. Even for me mom" I act like I'm about to cry.

She doesn't buy it and orders us upstairs.


After we left our stuff we go to the institute. We walk in hand to hand. "Where's your mom?" I ask.

"I don't know" he says confused looking around.

We see Izzy. She looks pale. Once she sees us she walks over to us.

"Alec. Beth" she says hugging us each. "There been a change of head. Temporarily. None of us know what means." She says. The atmosphere around the institute reminds me of a gloomy day or the wizard of oz before.

"Where's mother?" Alec says clearly concerned.

"She um.." Izzy tries to explain but gives up. "It's best she tells you" she says. Before Alec could pressure her like he does. I grab his hand. "We'll see her after Izzy Thankyou" I say

"Who's the new head?" I ask in a lighter mood.

"Oh this guy Willam H" she says. "He asked for you on the first day. We told him you moved" she says

Alecs grips tighten on me protecting. I know who that is. Willam herondale. This really is a family reunion.

"I'll go talk to him" I say walking towards his office. I'm pulled softly back by Alec.

"I don't think that a good idea" he says.

"I'm the best person to do so trust me." I say kissing his cheek. "Don't get us kicked out" he says pecking my nose back.

"No promises" I say getting out of his grip.


I knock on the office door. A light haired brunette opens the door. "Elizabeth?" He ask shocked. "About time you showed up" he says letting me come in. Is there a reason I should've come back sooner?

"You know how to do this right?" He asks handing me a file. I open the file it's a mission report.

"I know someone that does" I say. He looks tired.

"How old are you William?" I ask he looks young.

"I'm 20" he says "I've been doing your job for the last couple months" he says

I frown at his statement. "Maryse lightwood was banished from the shadoworld" he says rubbing his forehead. "Alice is back in in idris training" he says venting his emotions.

"Nanna said we could trust you." He says. "I'm putting my trust in you. Alice trusts you. We need you to come back to idris. After nanna died herondale manor is a mess."

"I tried to administer both but i can't. The clave assigned me to New York temporarily after you left. But I have to administer both positions." He struggles "It's...tough"

I nod my head. "I have an idea but you're going to have to bare with me" I say.

"I have to you're the eldest" he jokes. "I'll be right back will take a break will you?" I say

"Ohh okay" he says stuttering. I call Alec over the screens. Still got it baby.


"Please tell me you didn't kill him" he says walking into an empty office. "Is he?" he point to the closet.

"I didn't kill anyone" I say rolling my eyes.

I explain the situation and my relations to will.

"You have to go to idris" he says "I'll keep an eye out for this place"

"Are you sure because I can tell will to do it" I say

"No no it's your responsibility since you're a herondale. And i think I've had enough of being mundane" he says joking.

"Great then guess I'll tell will the news" I say going to his room.

Alec grabs me and kisses me slowly. "I'm going to miss you honey" he says.

"I'll miss you too" I say.


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