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"Bye guys" I say with my backpack in
hand heading Towards the exit.

Alec stops me again "where are you going?" He asks

"We are going  Home" I reply hooking my arm with Simons.

"The circle" he says starting to protest.

"Is looking for our friend" simon says.

"Simon beth you cant leave it's dangerous out there" clary says.

"Clary this is your world not ours and our parents are probably worried." Simon says.

"I said No so No" he says starting to get irritated alec yells.

"I'm leaving" I state going to the exit and motioning to the conversation.

He Grabs my waist abruptly and pulls me back "it's too dangerous for you out there"

"Too dangerous my ass, I'm leaving my mom is probably worried" I whine stomping on the ground like a child.

"If you leave, I'm not going to be there to protect you" he says

"Isn't that your job? And I think I can handle myself" I say ripping his arms off me.

"You know what fine go out there and get yourself killed." He says storming away.

Simon and I walk out and he drops me off at school first. I have an exam.


"Finished?" Professor vega asks

"Yes professor" I reply in my most professional tone. Probably a normal voice to most people.

"I'll email the report" he says dismissing me.

I grab my bag and get out of prison as quick as my feet can carry me.

I get home again. Turns out my mother was on a business trip. So I have the whole house to myself. Lovely.

I'm adopted but my mom has been there since forever. My adoptive father died when I was 15 in a car accident. It was a huge loss. But mom and I made it work. We both silently agreed to move forward and remember him for the man he was not what he could've.

I sit down and find myself falling asleep. All this shadowhunter business is really messing up my already fucked schedule. How dare they.

My thoughts shift to Alec. Why did he care so much about me leaving? Knowing him he'd probably didn't want my blood on his hands if something did happen. But I doubt it.

I groan "I'm so frickin bored" I say out loud.

"What do you want me to do about it?" A voice replies.

HIDDEN HERONDALE ✔️|| A.lWhere stories live. Discover now