Chapter 15

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The boys had left early this morning, around 7:30. I met them in the kitchen before they left and they said they'd be back soon. They quickly took their leave, all sporting dark clothing. I was hungry so I made macaroni and cheese because no one was here to tell me I couldn't. It was now nearly noon, myself curled up on the couch flipping mindlessly through channels, a certain news cast sparking my attention.

~At about 8:47 this morning, over 20 citizens in the small town of Balne located near Doncaster were shot in a open fire. 7 were reported fatal and 13 with severe injuries. A note was found at the main site of the shooting reading "We're back. -LL". This leads police to think that the London Lowriders have recently gotten back together after their split years ago. Police warn everyone near Doncaster to keep watch as we're all vulnerable.~

My mouth opened wide and I dropped my empty bowl of macaroni and cheese on the ground, scaring myself at the sudden noise.

"They were all innocent. All innocent. I could be next." I said to myself as I picked up my bowl now shaking a bit. Next thing I know the door flies open and all of the boys come running in. They look at me a bit confused with my panicked state, and I swear I see Harry about to make his way over to me, but Liam makes it first.

"What's wrong Maddie?" He asks as he sets a hand on my shoulder rubbing it slightly. Harry glares at the back of Liam's head until he's made it up the stairs and out of view. With Liam still standing there touching me I realize I'm in contact with a cold hearted criminal who could care less whats wrong with me. I cowered back while slipping out of his grasp before mumbling a "um nothing.." and walking into the kitchen to get rid of my bowl.

"Listen Maddie, just tell me what's wrong! We need to leave now and we both still need to pack our bags." Liam said as he followed me into the kitchen.

"I saw you guys on the TV." I mumbled as I looked at my feet. "When do I get to go home?"

"It's too dangerous right now, but I can promise you nothing will happen to you." Liam said as he placed his hand on my shoulder again.

"It's only dangerous for you. I could be home free right now and making money if it wasn't for you three." I grumbled as I pulled my shoulder from his grasp.

"Listen, you'll be able to leave eventually. But you have to promise not to try and escape now." He said making a barter. My eyes lit up immediately from the idea.

"Promise?" I asked quietly, stunned at the proposal.

"Promise." He replied as he opened his arms up and brought me in for a hug. After we were done with our short embrace, I looked up to see Harry glaring at Liam from the doorway. Liam then smirked at Harry and jogged up the stairs to go back his bags and I realized I should probably do the same. I started to walk past Harry but he stopped me by placing a bag in front of me.

"I packed your stuff." He grumbled as he shoved the bag in my hands. But before I could even thank him, he was turned around and heading out the door. I stood there with the bag in my hands waiting for the others to come down not really wanting to go out to the car with Harry.

The boys eventually came down, heading into other rooms and the basement packing 'necessary items' which were obviously weapons before heading out to the car.

"Well c'mon. Can't leave our hostage behind now, can we?" Louis said as he beckoned me towards the front door. He walked me out to a car which wasn't the one they had before.

"This ones mine. We had to get rid of the other one in case of it being tracked down." He said fully answering my question if it was stolen or not.

"Alright I'll drive, Louis sit in the passenger to help with directions, Maddie you're in the way back.... I guess Niall and Harry are in the middle and Zayn you're in the way back." Liam said as he climbed into the car.

"I'll sit by Madeline." Harry said in a dark menacing tone as he crawled back beside me. Once the car was rolling, Harry leaned his head against the window and shut his eyes like the countless times before in a long car ride.

"I swear if I see any of you fucking touching Madeline again I'll kill you on spot. She's my hostage. I found her. She's my responsibility. So from now on I'll take care of her. None of you." Harry said curtly as he found a comfortable position. The boys just rolled their eyes and scoffed at him.

"Welcome back hostage." Louis smirked from the front seat as he flashed me a thumbs up making me roll my eyes.

Thank you to those of you who vote for each chapter! It really encourages me to update right when I see them because I know you are enjoying the story !! <3

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