Chapter 4

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~Madeline Scott has been missing for over 2 days now and police officers don't have a single lead. Family members are not losing hope. If you have any details on her whereabouts, contact your local police station.~

"Here. Put these on. Don't fucking take them off or you'll be punished." Harry said while handing me a beanie and some sunglasses.

This morning when I had awoken, Harry allowed me to take a shower so I wasn't as grimy as before. But when Harry allows you to take a shower, it means 5 minutes or less or he's coming in. Which isn't a settling feeling knowing your kidnapper is willing to barge in on you fully stripped. He also gave me a plain white t-shirt to wear seeming it was the only thing that would make me look as if I was dressed in normal clothes.

I had expected myself to see him in a different viewpoint this morning from his kind gesture last night, but when he immediately began barking orders, all hope had vanished. The morning had been a rush, the boys were itching to get out of the motel and on the road again. I had absolutely no idea where we were going (as usual) until I saw the Atlanta Airport come into view.

"God Liam would you drive faster? Our plane leaves in exactly 40 minutes and I don't want to miss it." Harry said curtly from the back seat. Liam was already doing 20 over the speed limit and was approaching the parking ramp. 

He parked the car quickly, not bothering to pay the fee and opened the car door. Harry pulled me out with him but not before grabbing my wrist so firmly I thought it was going to fall off.

"If you even think about running, I will not hesitate to beat you on spot." He said his lips lingering over my ear sending shivers down my spine. 

"Understood?" He demanded, me answering with a nod of the head, not trusting my voice. 

"Alright lets get a fucking move on." He said as the boys brought their duffel bags full of whatever to the drop-off area and then into the crowd. We got to the security scanning area and Harry handed me a passport causing my eyes to go wide.

"Your name is Nicole Manning. Got it?" He said lowly making me nod my head understanding his intentions.

"Hello how are y'all doing today?!" A preppy police officer said as we handed her our fake passports.

"Just lovely." Harry said obviously faking an American accent.

"And how about you dear? Excited for your flight?" She asked making me stutter my answer as I watched her eyes scan the fake passport.

"I-uh yes. Thanks for asking." I said quietly as I snatched the passport back quickly before running up to Harry.

"Don't fucking speak to anyone except the boys and I." He said yet laying out another rule I had to follow. 

We went through the security check quite quickly before booking it down to flight C3 at the total opposite end of the airport. I still had no idea what they had in the duffel bags and how they managed to get them through security. All the ones I had seen in the room were obviously full of weapons.

We got to our gate just as they were calling our row of seats to be getting on. "Come on. Hurry up." Harry said as he walked up to the counter.

"Have a nice flight." The lady smiled as she checked our tickets causing Harry to roll his eyes. But who was I to say anything? Once we clambered onto the plane, I was sat between Niall and Harry with Liam across the aisle on the end of the row. Harry immediately laid his head back, closing his eyes as if he was trying to relax.

"Um...Niall?" I asked, being too scared to ask Harry anything.

"What?" He responded curtly making me question my decision to even speak.

"Um...where exactly are we going?" I asked timidly hoping to not get yelled at. I didn't have time to check the gate's destination because I was constantly being pulled through people, and Harry had refused to let me hold my own ticket.

"England. It's going to be about 14 hours." He said still looking at a magazine making my eyes go wide. I mentally groaned and set my head back on the chair just like Harry had done a few minutes earlier.

"Enjoy the flight cupcake."

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