Chapter Nine

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        I entered the training room. The room was mostly empty, except for a few training dummies dressed in armour, and ropes hanging from the ceiling in the left corner.

        "I assume you will be needing a weapon?" Bagerah asked. She used conjuring magic to erect a rack full of a variety of weaponry out of thin air.

       "Wow." I watched as she enhanced the training room with equipment and other things that are completely foreign to me.

      "Sweetheart, this is basic magic. Don't worry, magic will be the next lesson. For now, I need to assess your physical attributes. Go choose a weapon. This weapon will be your signature weapon."

        There were tons of weapons in this room, and many of them were foreign to me. Bagerah watched as I thought about what kind of weapon I wanted to be my signature weapon. There were spears, bows, knives, swords, maces, and many other weapons, but nothing was standing out to me.

      Across the room, there was a black sword with a sapphire and ruby handle. It wasn't anything like the other swords. This one was thin and light, and it seemed to be glowing. I felt like this sword was calling to me. I picked it up and saw my reflection in the blade.

      "Interesting choice young Prince. That sword belonged to your grandfather Geralt. This sword has seen glorious days, and terrible days, but I held onto it. It seems to have chosen you." Bagerah reached for he black and sapphire sheath and strapped it around me. "It suits you." she smiled.

     Her tone changed. Her voice wasn't soft and motherly anymore, but rather, stern and teacher-like.

      "Because you have been chosen by the Black Blade, you will be sword training with this." Bagerah handed me a flimsy, rubber practice sword. "Now that you have your weapon, let's begin your training."

(Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry about the rapid updates. River didn't seem to fit my protagonist so I changed his name to Dimitri. I also noticed more changes I forgot to put in. Also, I'm sorry this chapter is short. the next two chapters are gonna be great! Seriously, I already wrote them. Anyway, thank you for reading :D)

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