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I stepped off the plane and was rushed into another car. Well it was more of a limo than a car.

"Now Im awear you will have questions." Felix said looking to me. "Master Marcus has agreed to speek with you once we arrive. My other two masters are a little buisy trying to sort things out. Apparently there has been an...argument between two of our guests and one of them was injured."

"Okay. But...are we safe?" I asked looking over to Bella. The whole trip I was trying to figure out what she could have done. The only thing I could think of is that she got involved with the Italian Mafia. Was there an Italian Mafia? And if that was the case then these guys would most likely kill us.

"I can not promise for your sister as I can not prodict the future and your sister had been involved with something extremely bad. But I can promise neither you or your baby will be harmed. The Masters will see to it." I nodded slowly and looked to Bella. Well done Bella you pissed off the Mafia.

"Are you feeling well?" I looked up at Alec and nodded. "If your hungry or thirsty we can stop and retrieve you something. You are with child." Alec smiled slightly looking at my belly.

"Your so happy about babies and yet you don't know me." I said a little confused. For Mafia they seemed very relaxed. And this younger boy seemed almost too happy about a pregnant woman. Has he never seen a pregnant woman before? Most fils I've seen with Mafia had lots of guns.

"My mother was with child. But sadly she was killed. She had died and so had the child. There was no way of saving either of them." He frowned. Ah. I see

"Our kind doesn't harm pregnant woman." Felix said. "Well its not a rule but the Volturi refuses to harm a pregnant person."

"Our kind?" I asked a little scared.

"It will all be explained soon." Alec said and Felix nodded. Son the car stopped and we was parked outside a huge castle. "Come Miss Swan." I followed him out while Felix picked up Bella. We walked inside and through many halls before Alec stopped. "This is Master Marcus's study. We was told to leave you here and to tell him you have arrived."

"What about-"

"Do not worry. Isabella will be fine. We shall place her in a room until she wakes." I nodded and Alec opened the door for me. I walked inside and soon the door shut. I was alone now. The walls where a dark red colour and the floor was a shiny woodwork. The dark wood desk sat in the center of the left side of the room with a large book shelf covering the opposite wall. I saw a large painting behind the desk and slowly walked over. The painting was of 4 men stood on a balcony. I looked to the golden pelage under the painting.

From left; Carlisle, Caius, Aro and Marcus

I looked back to the painting and looked over the men. Carlisle had collar-length blond hair with a well-toned medium frame and gentle looking eyes. That where a golden amber. Strange. Caius was extremely pale with, shoulder leigh, snow-white hair and dark red eyes. Aro had jet black hair that seemed to float down his back, his skin was as pale as Caius's and his eyes were just as red. Marcus was the last in the painting. And to me he was the most handsome of the four. He seemed slightly taller than the others with black shoulder leigh hair and a deep blood red eyes. All of them wore fancy clothing as they looked down at the people below. Portraying them as the more powerful beings. It almost made me shiver.

Wait Marcus? The same Marcus that was coming to speak with me? I looked under the named. The date was over a hundred years ago. How was that possible. I looked to the Marcus in the painting once more before I heard the door open and I quickly turn around seeing the same man stood there. How? What is going on?

"Sei tu (It is you)." He smiled and in a blink he was in front of me making me stumble back. Before I could trip he had grabbed me and held me there, just looking at me. He seemed to snap back to it and quickly took a step back. "I apologies. My name is Marcus. I'm one of the three leaders of the Volturi." He gentle took my hand and kissed the back of it. He was acting as if what happened a second ago never happened. Okay I'm starting to think this isn't Mafia related.

"How are you so fast?" I ask bluntly, now terrified. "And how are you in a photo that was apparently painted over 100 years ago?"

"May I know your name first, il mio amore (my love)?" He asked.

"Jamie. Jamie Swan." I whispered. Looking in his eyes...they where red. But instead of being afraid of them, they melted away any stress and fear I had. I wouldn't lie. He was very handsome. And his voice was like silk. It would have any woman crumble to there knees and worship the ground he walked on. But I just stood there staring into his eyes, letting every negative emotion drift away.

"Jamie. What a beautiful name." He took my hand and kissed the back of it. "Now I should explain a few things to you." He offered me the seat behind his desk and I slowly sat down. "The people who reside here are not all human. You will realise a lot of them have red eyes,like myself. We also have some guests with golden eyes. Those who have red or gold eyes are Vampires." He said and I just looked at him. "I am over 3000 years old, that is how I am in this painting. It is also how I am so fast." This guys insane.

"I need to find my sister." I said and quickly got up and went to move around him but he quickly stopped me and scooped me up. He gently sat me back on the chair behind the desk. Okay. He's really fast. And he's freezing cold.

"Do not fear. No one here shall harm you." He said quietly. "Alec is bringing you some food and something to drink. Then we must go to the trial."

"Why do I have to be there?" I asked. "I didn't do anything wrong? And what did Bella do?"

"You yourself are not on trial, but as Bella's sister, she may wish for your support. She is going to be told somethings she will not like. But sadly they must be told to her." He said and I frowned. There was a knocking and Alec walked in.

"Here you are Miss Swan." He smiled and placed a dish in front of me. It had pasta ion it with a cheese sauce and herbs on the top with what looked like bits of bacon. A glass of water next to it.

"Has the situation been resolved?" Marcus asked.

"Yes. Rosalie is now in her room and Edward is in the Dungeons again. None of them have seen Isabella yet." Marcus nodded and Alec turned to me as I took a bit of the food. "Does the baby like it?"

"Yes thank you it tastes delicious." He smiled and practically bounced out the room. I turned to Marcus who smiled softly at me as I ate.

"I forgot you was pregnant. Alec seems to have taken an interest in you." He sad.

"He said his mother was pregnant when she was killed. I think he just likes babies." Marcus chuckled and nodded.

"Yes Jane and Alec both like babies and young children. They are rather young. Turned at the age of 13. There mother was a 'woman-of-the-night' from what I know and had gotten pregnant with them. When they was born she continued being that way and when they turned 13 she became pregnant again. They were turned and she was killed. They never really had a mother figure around I guess having you here has made Alec remember her. Even though she wasn't much of a mother figure, she was there mother none the less." He explained.

"So they're stuck at the age of 13? Wow. That must suck." He chuckled as I realised what I had said. "No pun intended."

A Swan and a VolturiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant