25-His own list

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"So where are we going?" I asked as we got into the car. Marcus getting into the drivers side. "And you drive?"

"Yes I drive." He chuckled. "I am taking you somewhere. Its a surprise." He grabbed my hand with his free hand, he lifted to his lips and kissed the back of my hand gently. "Just wait and see."

"Well can I know if there will be food. Maybe chocolate cake?" I asked. My cravings had been acting up once we left for the opera.

"Actually there is. Isabella's friend mentioned it when she called earlier." I rolled my eyes as I looked out the window. 

"Am I the only one who didn't know she was coming?" I asked. "Jane mentioned her mate doesn't have the greatest control."

"He doesn't. So it would be bet you not be around him alone." I nodded as he pulled over. He got out and opened the door for me. There was nothing around. We was in the middle of no where. 

"I'm not seeing any cake?" I asked, making him laugh.

"Come." He took my arm, looping it through his. "Did you know when you made your list, I made my own?" He asked. 

"You did?" I asked and he nodded. 

"4 simple things that you have completed. One I'm yet to ask of you." He smiled.

"What did I do?" I asked, with a small smile on my face. 

"First, you accepted me. Second, you accepted my bothers and my family. Third, you accepted my past relationship. And fourth, most importantly you accepted the two I see as my children. The two that kept me together when I lost Didyme, until I found you." He smiled. He looked up and I did as well. It was beautiful. The light filled with stars. It was perfect. I looked back to Marcus, who smiled down at me. "When we was in America. Your father told u he knew of this world. My world and I asked him one simple thing. For his permition." I was confused. Permition for what? To turn me? Wasn't he going to do that anyway? "Weather your human or vampire at the time. Weither it takes 1 or 10 years," he slowly got down on one knee. "I want to marry you." I was more that shocked. "I have known you for 2 weeks almost 3. You have already became the woman of my dreams. A woman who will take me for who-what I am." he pulled out a ring tat I recognised instantly as my grandmothers.  "Im not asking you to marry me this week, month, year. I want us to wait."

"I'm selfish to have already asked for your mortality

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"I'm selfish to have already asked for your mortality. But I have to be selfish again and ask for you to spend your immortal life with me and our children." I didn't even realised I was crying till he reached up and wiped a tear away. In that second I saw us both. Jane and Alec. Two toddlers. Marcus holding our son and Alec tossing our daughter in the air, me and Jane yelling at him to be careful. I saw us as a family. And I wanted that. I instantly cupped his face in my hands and happily kissed him. Really kissed him. Our fist real kiss. He held me close, even as I pulled away, breathless.



"Congratulations!" I jumped back, into Marcus, grabbing my belly at the small pixie girl in front of us. "Your going to have such a beautiful wedding and two very cute kids. Oh and the-"

"Could you stop." I asked and she froze. Stopping herself from speaking. "Your a lot more energetic than what Bella mentioned." I said as Marcus rubbed my belly gently, trying to calm me down.

"I'm sorry about her. Shes been very excited to meet you. So excited that she forgot to introduce herself." I looked to the young looking boy behind her. "My name is Jasper Hale. This is my mate and wife Alice."

"Hello. Could we talk tomorrow. I'm very tired and my feet feel like there going to fall off." I said and they nodded. 

"Come love. Lets get you to bed." I yawn and nodded, taking Marcus's hand. My ring shining in the light. We walked down the corridors until we reached our room. We walked in and there was the twins sat there. 

"Can we see the ring?" Alec asked smiling. I walked over and showed them my hand. 

"Your mother is tiered. You three can spend tomorrow together, but she needs to sleep now." They both nodded and I kissed there heads before they left. I grabbed a night gown and walked to the bathroom. I changed and walked into the bedroom. I slowly got into bed and cuddled into Marcus's chest. "There bonds to you are so strong. They really do see you as there mother. They care and love you, not just because your my mate. But because you care for them in return."

"I do. When Alec said tonight was the fist time they really relaxed...don't they have any friends here? I mean I know there immortal and everything but they are still 13 years old. They should be able to act like it." I frowned. 

"They have the other guard but they are older by appearance. And most of the guard have mates." That was another thing.

"Don't Alec or Jane have mates?" I asked. 

"Not yet. They will. It just takes time to find them." I nodded and he rubbed my bump, causing them to start kicking. 

"Thank you." I said sarcastically. "You started them off. I'll never sleep now." I huff, making him chuckle. 

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