Chapter Two - The Trap

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"I'm really amazed with this building, the top floor is so big and clean. Almost reminds me of some buildings on earth." said Anna.

"My mother would've loved to live here since she would live somewhere peaceful rather than earth." said Zachary.

"My mother would've loved it too, I even wrote a message to her before we left the Leviathan. I promised her that I will share some pictures of the planet when the task is done."

As they were searching for an exit of the top floor, they hid behind a wall as they saw a nearby guard approaching with a gun. They watched as the guard pressed his hand on a wall and suddenly a door opens.

They were surprised to see a secret door on the wall, they had to keep quiet since they don't want to be spotted and being accused of spying on them since one mistake can destroy the team's mission.

"What's going on? What do you think is behind this door?" asked Anna.

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling that something's not right." Zachary replied.

Suddenly they heard The Leader's voice and footsteps approaching, Zachary took a quick glance to see what's going on. To his horror, he saw Captain Manson and the other members of the team being held at gunpoint as they were following The Leader into the secret room.

As soon as the area was clear, they ran past the door to avoid detection and took a quick glimpse of what's inside the room. The captain and the members were being held in prison cells, The Leader just realized that two humans are missing and ordered his guards to search the building and catch them. Zachary and Anna managed to find a safe area in order to work up an escape plan.

"We have to escape. We need to grab our equipment and our parachutes since we'll need them in case of emergencies." said Zachary.

"Since you mentioned parachutes, we can use them to glide our way down towards the city and we can head to the landing platform to jump out of the building and escape." said Anna.

"That's a great idea. We need to be careful since they have cameras everywhere and if we get spotted, we'll have no chance of escape."

"Luckily we have our jamming devices that will prevent the cameras from seeing us while we head to our quarters to grab our stuff."

When they went to the area where their quarters are located, they spotted a camera observing the doors. Zachary pulls out his jamming device and presses the button, the camera instantly shuts off. Knowing that they have five minutes left until the cameras turn back on, they hurried to their quarters to grab the parachutes and whatever they need. They managed to leave the area before the guards showed up to search.

They went to the building's staircase since it was the safest place where it doesn't have cameras and the guards haven't come here yet.

"We have to get to the very top, that's where the landing platform is. It's our only chance to escape and figure out what's going on." said Zachary.

"Yeah, we have to get moving before they find us here." said Anna.

When they got to the very top floor, they spotted guards searching the floor for them. They disabled the cameras with the jamming device, it was enough to distract the guards and sneak past them without getting caught.

It was already dark when they reached the landing platform. They looked down to observe the city and find the safest area to land in order to disappear quickly before anyone would have a chance to spot them.

"We can land into the park down there, they won't be able to find us once we're under the bushes." said Anna.

"Good idea. Ready for this?" asked Zachary.

"Yeah, ready to go."

Suddenly they heard voices from behind, it was the guards. They were surrounded.

"We found them! There's no escape!"

"Jump!" yelled Zachary.

They both jumped off the building. The guards were so surprised that they stood frozen for a minute.

The guards went towards the edge to see the humans falling to their deaths. To their surprise, the humans were attached to strange flying devices and were gliding in the air. Once they realize that the humans were going to land on the ground, they called for the ground troops to search for them in the city.

When Zachary and Anna landed in the park, they pressed a button on the straps that folded their parachutes back up neatly.

"What do we do now?" asked Zachary.

"We should get out of here before they send more troops to come after us. We'll need to stay in the shadows once we head towards the city, we won't be able to blend in easily with the locals." Anna replied.

Suddenly they heard voices, it was the ground troops. They can hear them shouting to search the area for the humans, Zachary and Anna made a run for it and managed to get to the city after they got away.

"Before we set foot on the streets, we need to turn on our invisibility devices. We just have to stay away from crowds, we'll turn them off once we're safe." said Zachary.

They turned on their devices and instantly turned invisible. They were careful as they avoided crowds and didn't make much noise as possible. When they found an alleyway, they decided that it was safe for now. They turned the devices off to save energy.

"That was close. What should we do? I don't like hanging around in dark alleys." said Anna.

"We should find a place to hide before we keep moving, I noticed that the drones were looking for us in the streets while we were invisible." said Zachary.

Anna noticed a trash recycler unit, it looked like a good place to hide in case drones come down to scan the area. "This looks like a good place to hide."

They hid in the recycler unit. Surprisingly it didn't smell in there, they saw the reason why when they saw an odor eliminating device. Luckily their outfits had a cooling and scent control that keeps their odors away. After some ground troops and drones searched the alleyway, Zachary and Anna climbed out of their hiding spot.

"What now?" asked Anna.

"We should get to the forest, find a safe place to build a campsite." Zachary replied.

"I can help."

They turned around with their weapons in their hands, it was a teenage Yuni.

"Don't shoot, please! I know someone who can help you two. What I heard was true, you are the aliens being hunted in the city." she said.

"You know someone who can help? You're not gonna turn us in?" asked Anna.

"Don't worry, I'm not a friend of the government. I was told to search for the humans that were being hunted. There's no time to explain, follow me to the forest." the girl replied.

They followed the girl towards a safe path to the forest. Once they were out of the city, they felt safe for now. They were even thankful to meet someone from the Yuni race that wasn't hostile towards them.

"Do you think they'll be searching for us here?" asked Zachary.

"No, they won't expect you to get this far." the girl replied.

"What is your name?" asked Anna.

"My name is Kalle."

"Kalle, can you tell us where we're going?" asked Zachary.

"We have a base underground. It's safer down there and we have a force field to keep intruders out." Kalle replied.

Kalle stops walking and pulls out her communication device. "I found the humans. Turn the force field off."

In one quick second, the hidden force field was turned off. Kalle opened a secret door from the ground and they followed her downstairs.

Kalle led the way as they walked towards an elevator, she pressed a button and it goes downward.

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