Chapter Six - A New Place to Hide

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The next day, everyone in the underground base was gathered for an important announcement by Ladi after their drones spotted something in the city that alerted the rebellion. This was going to be a very hard moment for them because this base was their home for three years and now they have to evacuate because the forest is about to become more dangerous soon.

"I'm afraid we have some bad news. The Leader is sending more troops into the forest, we must evacuate the base soon since it's becoming more dangerous to stay here." said Ladi.

No one was surprised upon hearing her announcement, they knew that this day would come sooner or later. They feared that the base would no longer keep them safe once the Leader decided to send more troops into the woods and the troops would find a way to enter the base once they find the force field. Just in case it ever happens, the rebellion and the escaped civilians will go to a tunnel that leads to another safe location that's far from the city and the drones.

"We'll start evaluating the base immediately, we must clean out the entire base and have everything ready for transportation before we begin traveling to the island. Once we get there, we will seal off the tunnel to keep the troops out if they find the base." said Ladi.

While everyone was packing up equipment during evacuation, Zachary felt the urge to ask Ladi about the island since his curiosity kept bothering him about it and how will they stay safe once they evacuate.

"I hope you don't mind me asking, but I've been wondering about this island and the base. How safe are they?"

"The island and the base had been checked and prepared when we found it while we were fixing our base up, so we decided to use it in case we had to evacuate."

"How safe is the tunnel once we evacuate in case the troops find the underground base?"

"We have a force field that will protect the tunnel's doorway once we reach the island, it's strong enough to vaporize intruders that try to break in."

He felt relieved upon hearing about the force field since that means they'll be safer.

"The island is also hidden because we have a barrier that keeps the island invisible, we won't have to worry about enemy fire and being seen by drones" Said Ladi.

During the evacuation, the rebellion got the device ready for the message to be sent to the Leviathan. Zachary gave them the message and the team packed up the device with the equipment since it was time to evacuate and they'll send it to the Leviathan once they get to the island.

Once everyone arrived on the island, they started unpacking the equipment and got the island's base all set up and turned on the tunnel's force field. Everyone loves the island since they get to enjoy the fresh air and see the sky after living underground.

After getting the message sent to the Leviathan without the drones even noticing since the device was undetectable and went past the island's barrier without a problem, Zachary was at the beach. All he could do was stare at the city. Thinking about how he wished things could've been different, when he was interrupted by a squawking sound.

To his surprise, it was a Dodo bird staring at him. He remembered reading about extinct animals and was amazed by them, he even wondered what it was like to see those animals before they went extinct. The bird was curiously staring at Zachary, as if it's never seen a human being before. Which makes sense since the planet is inhabited by the Yunis.

"Hey, little guy. Decided to wander around the beach?" said Kalle.

The bird stared at her as if it understood what she was saying. As she spoke to it, Zachary started to think that she can communicate with animals.

"That bird can understand you?" asked Zachary.

"Yeah, I can speak to animals using telepathy. It's one of our abilities." Kalle replied.

"What did the bird say?"

"He said that you look different and acted like you've never seen a Dodo bird before, I told him that you're a human and you've never seen one like him because of his kind being extinct from Earth."

He wouldn't blame the Dodo bird for thinking that way, he felt the same when he first saw the Yunis upon arriving at the planet.

"They've been around on this planet longer than us. Even though they can live for 10 to 30 years on your planet, these Dodo birds can live for 100 years." said Kalle.

"100 years? That's amazing. How did they avoid extinction on your planet?" asked Zachary.

"We keep them alive and safe since they are friendly creatures, they're much safer on the island with the war going on." said Kalle.

"Do you have more extinct animals here?"

"We do have Woolly Mammoths, Saber-toothed Tigers, Tasmanian Tigers and Dodos. They've been living on this island ever since the war started, we did what we had to do to transport them here when it comes to keeping them safe from extinction."

Zachary was amazed to hear that there are more extinct animals that are still alive on this planet. Besides the war going on, this planet had a lot of amazing things. Such as people that are different from humans, getting to see extinct animals as well. He wondered what the planet was like before the war.

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