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Harley's POV

"Do you need help?" A voice came from the top of the steps.

"S-sure." I nodded. He was the buffer built Sanchez brother I saw just five minutes ago. He certainly was a good looking guy, just like Brooke said. I suppose the Sanchez family had no bad genes.

"Ion know how he expected you to carry all these yourself." A subtle Chicano accent shining through his words. I was familiar since my father spoke in the same dialect. He shook his head to himself to further show his disappointment then proceeded to grab most of the cups from my grip. He looked intimating with his large build and muscles that looked like they were trying to escape from his skin-tight shirt, but the smile on his face made all those feelings disappear. It was almost like he was a friendly giant.

"I almost made it, right," I said playfully. I was out of breath, but I would've made it to the office with no issues.

"You most certainly did." He smiled at me as we made it to the door. He pushed the door open for me, allowing me to walk in with the three cups I held. Everyone was either standing off to the side of the room or occupied the chairs in front of sir's desk. Sir—like always—leaned against his desk with a disturbed look on his face and his arms crossed against his chest. While I finished up handing Felipe and Henry their coffee cups, I could see out of the corner of my eye, Sir's sharpened gaze concentrated on me. Deciding to ignore his usual cold self, I walked up to take the last coffee left from the friendly giant's hand with a smile.

"Thanks for your help—"I waited for him to tell me his name.

"Ralph. You can call me Ralph." He said quickly.

"Thanks, Ralph. Enjoy your coffee." I replied and turned to deliver the last drink. Extra espresso with two sugars, and extra hot. That's how sir drank it today. With the way sir was glaring at me as I walked towards him, someone would've thought I'd tried to kill him or something. He always wore a scowl on his face and an emotionless look but not this time. Now that I was really looking, this time, he was visibly displeased and uncomfortable. His entire body language read irritated and annoyed. Perhaps I took too long with the coffee. "Here you are, sir." I addressed him and pushed the cup towards him. He just sat for a moment staring back at me. Not attempting to move or speak. Just looking straight at me. I shifted my eyes to the side of the room so I wouldn't have to keep looking at his lethal stare. "I-is something wrong?" I tried. Still, he did nothing but only grabbed the cup from my hand and set it on the desk but only for a millisecond later for him to grab my hand in his and began pulling me out of the room.

"Henry begin the meeting. I'll be back shortly." He called out as we walked away. Everyone's eyes on me as I was basically being dragged across the room.

"S-sir?" I panicked. Was he really angry with how long I took with the drinks? I could've sworn it was only a short while. Maybe he didn't like me watching him converse earlier in the lobby. Was something wrong with the coffee?

"Harley, I don't appreciate you flirting with my men." We had stopped walking by now and were standing across from each other by the door, his eyes still peering into mine with every word.

"W-what-I didn't" My mind instantly became confused and jumbled up. I thought back to only moments ago with Ralph, and I looked up to him to see if that is what he had meant. "S-sir, he was only helping me bring in the drinks. Please, don't misinterpret it." I waved my hands in front of him.

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