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Harley's  POV

After that day, I didn't see that man again. I've been here for almost a week now, but it feels like I've been here for years. The days pass by so slowly, and the only reason I know how long it's been is because of a tiny barred window next to the room I'm staying in. The same guys come in to check on me every day at almost the same time, so I always prepare myself before they come in. When they bring me food or command me to do something, I always nod or either say "yes sir" and "Thank you." Luckily I haven't earned any physical punishments.  I haven't showered or been able to clean up at all. I used the water they gave me to at least rinse my mouth, but that only does so much.

I slowly feel myself going crazy staring at these walls all day. I keep trying to plan some magical way out, but the door is never open long enough for me to even move towards it. Plus, I can hear men outside the room constantly. They laugh loudly, and they sound drunk more than half the time. With the noisy men and uncomfortable floor, I haven't slept at all. So instead, I lay awake at night and think about my dad, brother, and Avery. It keeps me a little more sane just thinking about them.

When I woke up the first day, I found my broken phone had been taken out of my pocket along with my watch and earphones. It seems like they weren't taking any chances. My skin felt sticky and gross, and my hair was in a tangled mess. I peeled off my crusty hoodie a while ago, but I had to keep my jeans on since I had nothing on underneath. I also tied my hair up into a tight ponytail for the time being. Leaving it over my shoulders, only made me hotter since it felt like a blanket over me. It was hot and humid in the room, and I felt like I was suffocating.

As I began to fan myself with my hand, the door scrape open making me quickly shuffle to my feet. I kept my eye fixed to the floor, and my hands held into one another as I heard the clank of someone's shoes walking towards me. It was those strange feelings again. The atmosphere had shifted in the room, and I knew who it was now. I swallowed the lump in my throat that formed as the shiny black shoes stopped in front of me.

"Look at me." The man said, making me slowly look up to meet his eyes. Those piercing green eyes. His hair was laid messily on his head, and his black button-up clings to his body so nicely. I felt like a lunatic thinking about how attractive this man is. How could I possibly find my kidnapper attractive? " Starting today, you work here." He said, making my eyes widen.

I moved my mouth to speak, but I was quickly cut off by him. "I need a personal maid; my last one didn't work out." He said casually, staring at me. Work here? Personal maid? None of this was making any sense at all. I wanted to scream in frustration, but I couldn't manage to do anything but nod. I guess he must've known what I was thinking because a couple of seconds after he opened his mouth to speak again, "either that or be a prostitute. The house could always use more whores." He said seriously.

"N-no, I'll do it." I squeaked out quickly. I didn't know if he was bluffing or not; the look on his face was too somber. I didn't have the capability to be a prostitute, especially not for these men.

"Good girl." He breathed out, "You'll address me as "Sir" nothing more, nothing less. Henry will show you around and to your living counters. You don't serve anyone else but me. If you do what I say, then you'll be fine, but if you don't, I can easily kill you. If you try and plan up some brilliant way to escape, don't even try; the entire perimeter is guarded. You'll be dead within 3 minutes. I don't like cleaning up dead bodies, so please reframe from doing anything stupid-" He said sternly. As he spoke, I tried to follow, but the more they talked, the more frustrated I got. The hope at had was now slipping away more and more. The last little bit of determination I had now vanished. "You're not to leave this house. Your not to speak to anyone that I do not permit you speaking to,"  he said, and all I could do was silently nod. My head began to pound consistently. "Do we understand each other?" he asked suddenly. Again I only nodded in response.

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