Chapter 11

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Evie was lied down on her bed. She locked herself in her room after she came back from the bond fire. She received a huge amount of texts and calls from Emily, Kim and even Bella. They were really worried about her. But Evie answered to none. She just tried to sleep her thoughts away. The middle child of the Clearwater family kept thinking of what happened. She kept ruminating which was filling her anger even more. That night, she almost didn't sleep. Now the sun was high in the sky. She didn't go out and stay home. She sent a short text to Emily, Kim and Bella saying that she was okay. Then she switched off her cellphone, not wanting to talk to anyone. She was physically tired. She had no energy. Like it was all drained from her body. It was those kinds of days when you feel nothing at all, no happiness, no sadness neither. You're just tired and don't have the strength to move. But comparing to the past months, even year, she felt kind of lighter. She was holding her anger, her frustration for so long. Now that she had told them - quite violently - what she thought and felt, a weight lifted up from her heart. But it was still there. Just lighter.

She did her part of the job. It was time for them to do theirs.

The pack was at Sam's place as the usual and her mother either at the hospital or with the council. So, Evie had the house to herself. It was silent and calm. There was no sound except for the regular breath of Evie. She didn't even know how many hours she lied on her bed. It felt like years. Evie closed her eyes, trying to sleep, catching up on the hours she missed. But after a moment, she heard a knock on her door. She didn't even hear the front door opened and the steps coming towards her room. Or maybe she did but she ignored it?

"Evie..." Seth called with a soft yet small voice. He seemed careful like he didn't want to her hurt. Seth wanted to talk to his sister. He wanted to chose the right words to express his feelings well. He didn't want any misunderstanding. "I... I want to apologise. It can seem forced to you... but it's not." Seth paused for a few seconds. Evie opened her eyes. She was still lied on her bed, facing the wall.

"I know we hurt you... You were alone when you needed us the most. And I'm so, so sorry Evie." Seth continued as he clenched his fists. "I promised you I would never leave and it was what I did. I hated keeping secrets from you, I hated being forced to keep my distance with my sister." Tears made their way to his eyes but he fought hard to hold them back.

"It was the hardest thing I had to do..." Evie heard the crack in her little brother's voice. "When you phased, I thought you would understand why I distanced myself from you. I thought you would understand and move forwards but deep down I know you wouldn't. How could you forget months when all the people you cared for left you? I was just fooling myself because it was easier than admitting that I did hurt my big sister... And I'm so sorry about that too because I just made things harder for you. I should have apologised right away instead of denying those months. Looking back I wish I would have done things differently."

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