Chapter 41

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Hey guys... lol, I'm ashamed. I'm so fucking sorry. I didn't plan to take so much time off but things kept happening one after the other and now I'm taking University online so... fun. But besides that, I'm so thankful to all you amazing people for checking up on me. That shit really made my heart twitch a little lol but yeah, I truly appreciate all the love and support I continue to get from you guys. We made it to 200k reads, like that's insane.

I also want to let you guys know that I took a good amount of time to reflect on your comments and I hope I can do better with my writing in the future.

Okay, I'll stop ranting now. Enjoy this 9,027-word long chapter. Peace, babes!



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"What's wrong now?"

Kinsey sighs heavily as her lengthy limbs languidly spread eagle across the bed. The blonde, with her back sinking into the depths of the comforter, cranes her neck up to questioningly eye the brunette from her laid out position. The brunette that is currently sitting at the farthest distance away from her across the room, rolling absentmindedly back and forth in the mesh rolling chair.

With each anxiety-ridden back and forth roll Jade does with the chair, an annoying squeaking sound emits. The repetitive sound adds fuel to the looming awkwardness that has persisted since they've gotten back to Kinsey's house after school, almost an hour ago.

Don't get her wrong, Kinsey understands how tense Jade gets around other people at school, but she's never this fucking awkward when they're alone.

Jade doesn't bother to look away from the screen of the laptop, conducting the most impressive balancing act as it sits atop the brunt of her thigh with her legs crossed.

Kinsey narrows her eyes at the brunette from her laid out position, forming a strong enough pout to have small wrinkles develop on her forehead and a knot start to form in the side of her neck, trying to get Jade's attention without having to do any actual work. The blonde sees that Jade's focus is elsewhere, so she resorts to expelling a deep ass exaggerated sigh that sounds almost similar to the sound of a dying whale before she drops her head back into the comforter. Her hearing slightly muffles as the thick comforter encases both her ears.

While that happens, Jade's focus remains on the blinding glow of the screen that is at the highest level of brightness possible. Her face exudes a relaxed expression, seemingly unbothered as her small, rounded ears poke out through the frizziness of her hair that's tucked behind both of her ears. She barely moves an inch as she starts to feel Kinsey's aura intrude her train of thought. 

"What?" She acknowledges, completely clueless, and not daring to scatter her eyes away from the screen.

Kinsey sighs again as she lifts the upper half of her body to be in a more comfortable sitting position. Since she saw Jade sulking on the benches again today, she's taken notice of how distant the brunette seems since they've made it back to her place. Her light hazel eyes averting every gaze Kinsey tried to hold and her legs rejecting every touch Kinsey tried to place upon them.

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