Chapter 36

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After practice, Kinsey is truthfully and utterly drained. Every muscle in her body feels tense, causing her legs to shake jerkily as she drags herself, along with her bulky duffel bag, to her car. The undersides of the black NIKE slides on her feet, embroidered with a shiny white checkmark, scrape against the concrete pavement as she continues trudging over to the shiny red car in sight. The dried sweat adds a thick layer to every part of her skin. Her dirty blonde hair is actually dirty, sitting atop her head in an extremely messy bundle with a sheen look to it as sweat consumes most of it. The sun still shines brightly adding to the greasy look of her hair as it's only been two hours after school was let out.

How hard Kinsey practiced within those two hours genuinely confused the rest of the team, considering the fact that they have a game in less than four hours. Practice before games were only meant as a way of making sure that everyone knew the plays and their positions. Everyone jogged most of the plays during practice but Kinsey couldn't stand doing that shit. The blonde sprinted each and every play just as she would during a game. She sees it as building up muscle memory while the rest of the team just called it extra, but what else is new when it comes to Kinsey. That's how she became captain.

Kinsey continues her seemingly lonesome trek.

"Kins, wait up," James hollers from behind, jogging with his pale face flushed red and the bags on his shoulders bouncing up and down as the straps desperately clutch onto his broad shoulders for dear life.

Kinsey doesn't bother to turn around. "You need to hurry the fuck up!" She yells, almost in a whining tone as she currently feels her calves pulsing. The image of a potential ice bath soothes her mentally as the pain courses through her.

James starts jogging like a toddler would when having a fit. He drags his own rubber slides across the pavement lazily instead of picking up each foot. His head lulling back as he expels a whiny grunt.

"If you don't shut up, I will leave you," Kinsey warns as she finally gets to her car. I'm not in the mood for this shit. She unlocks the car using the small remote on her keychain and pulls open the driver's side door before dropping herself into the seat and hurling her duffel bag into the back seat.

She quickly sticks the key in, to activate the engine, and then immediately turns on the air conditioning since the blazing sun isn't helping her condition at the moment. And some people don't think climate change is real.

The blonde pulls the door shut and yanks the seatbelt over her body, clicking it into the buckle. Her hand then grips around the gear, pulling it out of park. The vehicle slowly inches backward as a result.

With no words, she looks up at the rearview mirror to spot her best-friend starting to sprint towards her car now. She smiles in a sly haze as she turns the driving wheel to curve the car out of the parking spot. She makes sure to avoid the huge ass boy that looks as though he is crying with the unreal amount of sweat dripping down his face.

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