17: The duck song

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Not for the first time, and not for the last, Peter Parker woke up in the Med Bay.

His legs tangled in the blankets, dimmed lights and a very faint candy cane scent, yet he was oddly comfortable, an unexpected and unfamiliar feeling. He was toasty warm, but not too warm, legs relaxed and for once, his head wasn't pounding.

He felt... happy.

"It's the drugs."

He lifted his head on the pillow slowly, testing his neck. sitting beside him with a Vogue magazine hanging from their hands was Wanda.

He blinked at her, then once the words were processed in his head, he could confirm himself that yeah, maybe that's why he was loopy.

"Mm," He hummed. Wanda was wearing ripped jeans and a MCR shirt. "What happened?" Peter asked, not bothering to try and recall himself. One, he didn't think he could through the haze of drugs, two, he didn't want to. It took too much work.

"You gave us scare, Peter." She said. "You will be told eventually, I am here for company. Until you pass out again."

He let out a breath of air through his nose, as a recognize. Then puckered his lips, because he wanted to see if the air could tickle his mouth.

"What are you doing?" Wanda observed Peter's duck lips and scrunched nose.


She squinted at him, then nodded slowly, deciding not to question it any more. She returned to her reading.

"Where's Mr. Stark?"

Wanda looked up again, hesitating before speaking this time. "He's on a... mission."

"He didn't wanna see me in the hospital?" Peter wasn't mad, of course. He was floating on a cloud at the moment, and a small tune was playing in his head.

The only thing he was a bit frustrated about was his neck had a little thing around it, and he couldn't look down. He didn't even know for sure that a blanket was covering him, it was just the weight to rely on.

In fact, now that he thought about it (More like mentally bumbled sleepily around the subject) , he couldn't move anything below his neck. They must have given him some sort of temporary paralysis drug.

or was he just not trying to move his limbs?

He wasn't sure.

While his mind was sipping, he could vaguely hear Wanda say something along the lines of "He was busy." and "MDU, not hospital."

And then they left it at that.


Three minutes later and Peter was out like a light.

No dreaming or nightmares, not even moving during his sleep.

He woke up and hour later, and was much more aware of his body. He could feel his limbs, and just for confirmation, twitched his finger.

He also wasn't alone. Again.

Peter blinked lazily at the hunched figure. "Mr. Sark what're you doin' in this part of town," He said in a half-job equestrian accent.

Tony's head snapped up and confusion clouded his eyes before realising Peter was awake. He leaned forwads to hug him, then decided against it, so instead smiled and let out a breathy laugh. "Hey kid,"

Peter felt a swell in his chest when Tony called him his nickname. His face cracked into a smile, and he could barely make out the words, "Hi Mr. Anthony."

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