Chapter 2

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Chapter two let's gooooo! And this is a dream that he has, it's not real, but he feels like this is real. Hope you Enjoy

Aragon woke up from the sudden door burst and stood there was his sister Phoenix, he sat up and questioned why she just burst in like that. She didn't hesitate and told him that Aphrodite is in hospital, he told her that she was making things up and told her Aphrodite was next to him, but when he looked on his side she wasn't there. He quickly got dressed and dashed straight to the hospital, went to the room number that the nurse told him and knocked on it.

"Who is it" he heard Alex's voice, Aphrodite's sister. He opened it and saw his mother, father, and the rest of the family there.

"What's Going on?" he questioned and no one spoke, until Alex did. Alex looked away for a bit and told him Aphrodite is dying, and started to cry again. Bianca and Samuel hugged her, they led her outside, Aragon didn't say anything and walked over to her dying body.

"Hey honey... I'm not feeling so well.." She told Aragon slowly, and Aragon sat next to her and held her hands in his palms.

"Oh no..."

"Yeah... i just wish i could see the tree one more time.." she gently stroked his warm palms with hers.

"Yeah Aph... of course... let's go there right now" he looks into her eyes and kisses her hand.

"That's ok..." She began to tear up, and slowly closing her eyes.

"Just promise me to plant me there.." her final breath finally spoke and her hands slowly turning cold, Aragon held her cold hands and tears started to form and everyone around her hospital bed was in silence and slobbering.

Few days went by(he's still dreaming by the way), a funeral took place near the tree that Aphrodite and Aragon used to hangout, and buried her there, like she requested.

Everyone said their words for Aphrodite, and when it was Aragon's turn, his words were very emotional. Everyone soon left to do their own things and it was just Aragon and his family including Alex.

"She left too soon..." Alex began to say and held Celestria's hand and baby Sanyo on her right arm. Aragon turns to face her and asks her to take the kids home and look after them for a bit, she nodded and walked away with the kids.

'Don't worry Aragon, I understand you. It hurts when you lose someone, but you'll always love them. Always.' She takes the kids home and spends some time with them.

Back with Aragon, he sat in front of her grave. He took out her gift that she gave him when they dated. It was a fire opal, he kept it about 10 years even when they broke up, he still kept it.

"I'm sorry Aph... I wish I was there" The atmosphere around him turned cold and wet, the rain started to drip and tears rolling down his face. The memories started to flow his mind, when they first met, their first date, first kiss, and a lot more. Even their last kiss, and remained as friends for a bit then got back together. Then when it was time, he proposed to her. Happy memories and including sad memories. And now it's all over. He looks up, and cries with the rain. Whenever it rains for him, it means someone is sad and lost someone they loved or care for. He looks back at her beautiful picture and touches it. 

"I'll miss you my Queen" And soon there was silence. All he could hear was the rain and the people in the village.

"APHRODITE!!!!!!!" he yelled. And then wakes up, he breathed in and out. Until he heard a soft voice next to him, he looks and saw her.

hello! hope you guys enjoyed it, i cried when i wrote this. heh. I'll be making a chapter that shows other characters that would be in this story. Have a great day/ night :D

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