Chapter 9

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From the last chapter, Aphrodite and Alex were at Celosia's peace, quiet and resting place. It isnt fair from the kingdom, but it was pretty huge though. Hope ya'll had a wonderful week so far! I started school in another week, can't wait to see everyone again! :>


Alex walked in first and followed along Aphrodite by her side. Aphrodite looked around the place, and it had a huge amount of graves, from villagers, soldiers, past kings and queens.

After 3 minutes of walking, Alex stopped and stood in front of three graves. Menkenzi, Misha and Whistey.

Grave 1: Here lies, Misha jessteria.


A wonderful gifted demon, who loved all creatures from earth. Had a wonderful heart and beautiful life.

Grave 2: Here lies, Whistey Korsita


A beautiful human who loved his family, friends and strangers if they needed help. He had a good life, and good heart.

Grave 3: here lies, Menkenzi morluck


A gifted witch, but we all loved you still.

Had a great life, and a kind heart.

"Hello, Misha, Menkenzi and Whistey." Alex sat down in front of their graves, with flowers in her hands. She placed them down, one by one.

"We came over to visit you guys. Since after all was your death anniversary today.

After what happened on that day.." Aphrodite looked at Whistey's grave, touched her necklace. Which belonged to Whistey.

Flash back

"Hey Aph." Aphrodite looked over at Whistey, when he called her by her nickname. He took a deep breath. And looked down.

"If i die one day. Please wear this necklace, because if i do. Then i'll always be with you no matter what." Aphrodite shocked her head, saying that he wouldn't die, kept on denying it. He sadly chucked, he hugged her. She cried her eyes out, saying that it won't happen, he will be alive.

Flash back end

Aphrodite kneeled down, touched Whistey's grave, she started to cry. Thinking back of all of the memories that she shared with him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, i couldn't protect you Whistey. It should be me who died not you" her vision was blurry, she was shaking. Her memories flowing back, Alex hugged her.

"But now your in a better place. I hope you, Menkenzi and Misha are doing good over there. Me and ALex miss you guys dearly.."

Alex told Aphrodite that she had to get something from her bag, which was on the horse. She nodded, and Alex left.

Aphrodite looked over to Misha and Menkenzi's graves. She looked at Menkenzi's one, especially since she was the one who betrayed them all.

Ever since that day, when they betrayed them. Aphrodite couldn't forgive her. Yeah sure, she forgives her but when she used Misha into her dirty witch powers and transformed them into one thing. But in the end, Whistey died, followed along Menkenzi and Misha.

"Well, I hope your doing good Menkenzi. And besides. I miss you. You Misha and Whistey, of course."

There was silence

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