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They Surrounded me, i couldn't escape

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They Surrounded me, i couldn't escape. There was no tiny opening i could go or fit through. Even if there was, they would catch me, and do what they did to Daddy... I scared, i don't wanna be experimented on like Daddy... But something reacted in my body, i can see Mommy and Daddy, there right in front of me. But... Something about them was strange, there eyes were fully black, they had blood all over them. But i wanted to run to them, i wanted to say 'Goodbye...'  

There eyes were different, there hair was much darker. And there aura wasn't the same happy kind ones. "My little boy, you must live on your own now, Mommy and Daddy are going on a...Vacation... for a while, and we wont be back to come get you"

"Grow up, my boy, we will lend all our power to you, so you can get away from these bad guys"

They both touched my forehead with there thumb, a light shun and they both disappeared. All i remember is my eyes were like a ghouls no light or faith in them. black and red, i had red ears and 6 tails. I had sharp claws like a demon, that must've been my fathers side, my mothers was probably the ears and tail. But i was so powerful, i didn't think anyone could stop me. Daddy taught me how to by 9. And my mommy showed me how to control my wolf side. 

There was red everywhere, it was like a pool of red. And for some reason, i liked that, watching the blood drool from almost every part of there body. I watched as there stomach went up and down before there soul wen some where unknown... I cleaned up, jumping away before there comrades arrive. 

from building to building, i watched as people enjoyed there life, i watched them so happy and cheerful. All i cared about was this city, it was my home, i loved it here, my family have been here since this place was first founded/Built. It just didn't feel like home though....

I wandered around for months, just surviving from what i had. But one day, when i was sitting in the alley, i noticed someone had walked past me, but she stopped and turned to me. 

"Dear, do you have a home to go to? Where are you parents?

"I Don't have any..."

"Well... Why don't you stay with me then?

From that day forward, i was able to survive now. I had food, warmth and love. I was... Sorta happy... I still missed them, i mean, they were my family. It's my 15th birthday, she surprised me with a brand new room other than the basement. I mean, she told me id have a big and comfortable present.

I always knew i had a home to go to now, when i was sick, when i'm cold. I was finally peaceful. But... That all changed on my 18th birthday

( don't worry, you still look young, i mean, look at shirou's age, hes 17, and he looks like already an  ANGEL~~~~~~~ well hes  in this story)

Suddenly, she stopped breathing, her grave was right beside her house. I took over her job, her house and continued her work she never got to do. But i knew she was right beside me, always right by my shoulder, i think she would be proud. i'm  19 now, ive had everyone around me die, i  now  realized that everyone you love will just leave you. That one small spark that lived in my eyes disappeared. i became pale, emotionless and just.... ALONE!...

(Around 2 years later)

I continued my job, i was successful. "oh, the festivals today..." I said to myself, looking at my watch that said 4:46. It started at five, meaning i had to get there quick. I jumped from tower to tower, house to mansion until i made to the centre of town. I saw crowds and crowds of people the second i rest, sitting on a random building. I saw fireworks, confetti, balloons and lanterns everywhere. But a silver string caught my eye, i saw a silver wolf in front of my eyes. He was on the opposite building to mine. I wasn't very surprised though. It was a wolf with silver fur, that's all.

it didn't look like he payed attention to me, he only looked down at the beast-man. I blinked, and he was gone. Its been around half and hour since i saw that wolf, nothing bad has happened. I slightly yawned, getting tired and hoping this festival would end soon, but it had a long way to go, i was just so bored. The wind blew in my face, i liked the feeling, it was refreshing. But something felt a bit off. It was coming from the tower, it was moving, towers are suppose to stay still. My eyes widened when i saw i was falling straight for everyone. I saw a big shadow come over them, now all that laughter and happiness, was screaming and crying. I could even hear the running and loud stomps. 

i walked towards the tower, not surprised at all. (Ur emotionless, remember?) Transforming quickly, i noticed that wolf was back. and he held off the tower, i didn't feel like helping him, but those people were in danger. I did my best to stay hidden, its annoying to be seen, ill have like 10,000 fan girls trying to touch my tails and wings. I helped push it back to where it originally. 

But i failed, it fell, and many people got stuck before they could escape. The place was on fire, the city centre was burning into ashes. I peek over around me to see a white van coming towards me, i raised an eye brow. The van stopped, but i saw a girl, blue-ish and black hair. The van was coming straight for her. "Move!" I say as i pushed her, putting my fist in front of the van.

But her eyes were wide when she saw the van was broken, and my hand had only a phew drops of blood on it. The people were able to get out of the van just in time before it rose in flames. "What the hell is he!? The deer yelled, rushing towards me. I transformed, it made the deer stop in his tracks. "No way! It cant b-" But before he could finish his sentence, i ripped his antlers off like tape on a box. Just a small rip will do it. "No!! Not my antlers" He fainted, unable to take the stress. His comrades stepped back, looking like they saw a ghost(You!). "Sheesh, your annoying" My voice was deep, scaring the rabbit and lizard. They were about to pounce towards me, but someone or something was behind me. Actually, two people, it was the mayor and a wolf. 

The mayor looked at the deer on the ground, crying and holding his cracked antlers. "Oh dear lord help me.." Everyone turned to me, confused and weirded out. i noticed those other guys evacuated and ran away, soon to be caught by that wolf. "Tell me these, what is your name?" You heard the mayor say. "Hiroki Hirohana..." I replied, rubbing my eye. "And what are you?" "Demon wolf..." I mumbled, she heard it quite clearly". "So then, you are ameno's son..." I nodded facing her properly. "Why don't you come back with me to my house, well talk" I Sighed deeply as she laid her hand out, i took it and she led me to her place. 

A phew hours later)

"Shirou, Hiroki here has agreed to stay with you, do you understand if he stays with you? He clicked his tongue in annoyance, but had to agree with her. "Good" we both went home, tired after a long day. "Your staying in there" he pointed to the basement. "dont be silly, Shirou, you can stay in the spare room, alright?" Gem says as he leads me towards the room. I nod as he gave me some time to adjust and settle in properly.



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