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"Okay guys, just keep me updated no matter what okay"

"No problem. Just keep that piece in your ear so I'll be able to contact you whenever ok"

"Ok gotta go"

Liam was a genius.

She had called him immediately she got to her room and got the piece online. He not only has her location but all the thermo signatures of everyone within the island.

They had been worried about Nezra recognizing her but for now, they had nothing to fear.

There was a knock on her door, the one connecting to Adam's room. She got up to answer it was frozen for a second. He looked gorgeous, there was no doubt about it but this was the first time she was seeing him in a casual outfit. He wore jeans and a simple shirt on top.

"We have the evening free and I wanted to see the island, would you mind accompanying me" he asked. His tone soft as he stared at her. She had a mind to refuse, the things he was doing to her insides were so foreign to her but she had job to do.

"Of course, let me get a jacket" she grabbed her jacket, the ear piece Liam had given her and the other one the head of the security team had given her.

They strolled out and onto the beach in silence, she took the feel of the environment in, she couldn't deny, the place was beautiful and if it wasn't dangerous would totally enjoy the place.

They stopped at a rock a bit far from the house and the other buildings. He sat on it and gestured for her to sit beside him.

"I think we are a bit far from prying ears now aren't we"? He said, turning to face her. "So would you care to tell me why you've been so tense or are you only that way when I'm close" he finished. His voice low as he stared at her that intense way he normally did.

"No, it's not you"

"Then what"?

She contemplated telling him what she and her siblings suspected. It will be safer if she would get him on his guard as well, it will help her protect him the best.

"I have a bad feeling about this meeting"

"Care to elaborate" he said cocking his head to the side.

"This invite, to a remote island, with just a handful of bodyguards and the only way out is through a chopper or a boat that's being monitored at that. It just feels fishy and like a trap" she finished. She could feel the gears turning in his head as he looked at her.

"You make an excellent point as always Thea but I'm certain that the security team have got it covered"

"Whether they have or not, you need to be alert okay and..." She stopped as he placed his hand on hers. He was touching her. He was touching her. He looked at her hand, and rubbed her skin with his thumb.

"You have very soft skin Thea. I wondered how it was to touch" he said then took his hand off of her and stared at her "I've wondered a lot of things about you. Why is it that even when you seem relaxed you're not, why you seem to freeze when someone is close to you, how did you beat all five of my highly trained guards with ease, hardly breaking a sweat"

He has been paying more attention to her than she would like because all he said about her was true. She was always alert even when she was seemingly relax, years of training would do that to you.

"Those are a lot of things to wonder about a person" he smiled at her response.

"It is yes, but like I said Thea, I'm intrigued by you and I'd like to know what make you tick".

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