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Eyes scanning quickly around her for the hint of shadows or even a shape or form but coming up with nothing.

Alyssa didn't want to entertain the fact that they might have been seen or captured. They were on borrowed time and the clock was ticking fast. The train was coming, Clarence could wake up any second and for the first time in forever, she could feel the panic overwhelming her.

"There she is" she heard distinctively. Turning to look at the area she saw two forms emerging from a bush patch and the relief she felt was instantaneous.

"Alyssa"! Ryder cried. Running into her and hugging her so tight. "I was scared that you wouldn't make it. The train is coming"

"I know" she croaked, her throat still full of emotions as she looked them over for any hurt. "Let's get moving before we get caught alright".

Then they ran.

Running side by side with the train until Maggie jumped into an opening, it was small but the would be able to get on a cart through it. Alyssa picked Ryder up and tossed him onto the train before she got on herself.

They moved, opening a cart and found some vegetables, it was a cargo cart. Perfect, they wouldn't have to explain their appearance on the train. They settled in beside a box of carrots with Ryder in between them.

"We made it" Maggie said with a huge smile across her face, grinning up at Alyssa. She had only been a captive for about sixteen months but she didn't know how Alyssa was feeling. She didn't know how long Alyssa had been a captive but she knew it had been a long time.

"Yes we did". Alyssa replied, smiling slightly as she got accustomed to the movement of the train. It felt weird but a bit familiar. She knew she had been on one before but this felt different, so different.

She had learned a lot about the world from Maggie, Donovan and Dimitri but it would be different seeing them for herself and not hearing about it. It might be difficult but she'll adapt, she'll learn.

The world didn't seem so grey anymore. She could do whatever she wanted to do and be whoever she wanted to be, it was just for her to figure out but she had time now to decide.

They must have been going on for hours, but the train kept on going. Alyssa could only hope it'll take them farther and farther away from that place.

They had to get to the rendezvous point.

Maggie and Ryder were both sleeping now. She had learned that they had been stuck at the keypad but Ryder was some kind of tech genius and had done something so they could pass. She was grateful for that small miracle.

The train seem to be slowing down after some time so she woke them up. Ryder was hungry so he ate some carrots.

Immediately it stopped, they opened the cart a bit to prep through. It was already daylight and they seemed to be in some kind of market. They got down and moved away from the train. Eyes vigilant. By now, Ivan and the others must have known that they were gone.

Maggie didn't know what the next step was. She was just grateful to be out of that hole but now, as they scanned the area, she couldn't help but feel lost. She wished they had a plan or a way to get out of here, anywhere but far away from here.

She stood on one side of Alyssa while Ryder stood on the other side. She realized she didn't even know where. They had been blindfolded and sedated when they had arrived.

"Stay close to me but keep your eyes peeled for Ivan's men and a bronze statue of a man wearing a hat". Alyssa whispered to them. Getting to that statue was their tickets out of here.

"You mean like that one"? Ryder asked, nodding to a statue on the other side of the market.

"Yes. Let's go" urging the both of them to walk ahead of her. "Good eye kid" she said, praising him. They had to stick together.

Maggie looked side ways at Alyssa, she had so many questions to ask, 'where are they, what was waiting for them at the statue, where would they go from there' but she held herself back. Asking all of those would waste time, time that they didn't really have. She had to trust Alyssa, she had always trusted her.

They got to the statue after a while. Maggie looked around it but saw nothing special about it, she looked at Alyssa but she was staring out at something or someone. Maggie followed her gaze and felt the air leave her.

They've been spotted. She could see him walking towards them, his eyes fixed on Alyssa's as he walked. Donovan. She grabbed Alyssa and Ryder, wanting to run away but Alyssa refused to budge.

"Alyssa we aren't going back there and you don't know how many guards he has with him. I'd rather not fight him, please let's go" she begged. The panic was back with a vengeance. She had no idea what they would do to them once they got back.

"Relax Maggie, he won't hurt us" Alyssa replied calm. Maggie almost replied but something in Alyssa's voice made her pause. If they were really in danger then she knew Alyssa would have done something about it. She tried to calm herself as he got near.

"It's good to see you made it out ok" he said as he got to them, removing a heavy looking duffel bag from his shoulder and handing it to Alyssa. Maggie was still anxious, it looked like he was on their side but she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. "Here it is. Inside there's a key to a safety box in the port on the other side. I've already secured you three tickets to get on the both about to leave".

"Thank you Donny". Alyssa replied shocking Maggie more.

"I wish I could do more. They already know you've escaped and are already sweeping through the canal. You have to leave, now. Inside the box is a new identity for all of you, even I don't know it what your new names are so you should be good. They might still look for you so no matter how much time passes always be vigilant, don't forget all I thought you. Be careful"

With that he looked at Alyssa one more time, his eyes softening a bit and he smiled at her. In all the time Maggie had spent as a captive she had never seen Donovan smile lest alone talk to Alyssa. This was all confusing but she kept her thoughts to herself. For now.

Without any other words said he turned and left. Then they were moving quickly to the boat, tickets were presented and then they were aboard the boat. They all sat in a corner and for the first time since they left, she could see a tiny smile on Alyssa's face.

This was it.

They where going to someplace they didn't know but Maggie wasn't scared. She had the people she cared about with her. She couldn't go back o her family and they thought she was dead so it was all for the better.

They would start a new life, new names. A blank slate.

*Thank you for reading 😘
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