Threaten, then love

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Two tiresome weeks of training have passed already with no hope of stopping in the near future. Saying Zephyr was exhausted to death was an understatement. Training from dawn till dusk can to that to a person.

Although despite the constant ache of his body, Zephyr was beaming with joy. He has found his first friend! Or at least he hoped for it. Ever since their first meeting, the boy has grown onto Ryan, spending most of their limited free time together.

Zephyr has learned many new things throughout their conversations. For example, that grandpa has a daughter, Thalia. Or that Ryan has been with the league since his birth, something the small ghost could somehow relate to.

Right now, the adult and the child were spending their lunch break together, as they had many times throughout these two weeks.

"You are not eating again?" Ryan asked, his voice coated in concern.

"I ate last week, it's okay." Zephyr admitted, playing around with his fork since he had no use for it.

"Aren't you hungry? A week is a long time..." The worry in the assassin's voice made the boy smile.

"Oh!" The ghost now chuckled, figuring the man wanted an explanation; "I don't really need to eat, my body doesn't require it." It was nice to find someone else outside of grandpa and Jason who cared for him and his well-being.

"But Dan ate so much..."

"Why would you compare me with a human?"
The ghost piped in, somehow offended. He didn't like being called out on being different or associated with humans in general.

"Dan... how could you not know him? You've spent few days together." Ryan voices his confusion.

"I've spent time only with grandpa and Phantom."

"Ooooh." The man bursted out into laughter. He had to take a few moments to calm down before answering to the boy's questioning look; "I see the confusion now. Phantom's name is Dan."

"What! I've been hearing so much about him from grandpa, but I never knew he was the villain!"

"Well~" Ryan started, but decided against continuing the topic. It was still somehow a sore topic, his best friend's, Phantoms's human counterpart's disappearance. Instead of reopening old wounds, he swiftly changed the topic to something else. "If you're not eating, can I have your portion? For all the hard work I do, I swear they are not feeding me enough here."

Zephyr smiled as he passed his plate, forgetting their previous conversation. The talk about food could sway anyone.

He was now staring at the treetops, listening to the birds and occasional screeching of a fork against the plate - definition of boring. There wasn't much he could do with the league around. He couldn't wander around like he used to, he couldn't play around, there was no one to talk to. Grandpa and Ryan were always busy.

Their boring break was cut short by a newcomer who was bearing some news. "The grandmaster has requested your presence recruit."

Zephyr looked around in confusion, searching for the recruit. Ryan was too old to be a recruit, and he was just visiting. Could he call it a visit? When no one new appeared, the boy slowly pointed a finger at himself, asking for confirmation.

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