Let go of your weakness

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Zephyr was watching the ghost from afar, from the safety of his cushioned corner. With Phantom's back facing him, he didn't have to worry about agitating the older male. Though the last time he faced him, the ghost didn't look angry. He was rather scared. But what would he be scared of? Surely Zephyr couldn't be the source of the fear. There wasn't anything remarkably scary about him.

Their powers. The ghost lost them and Zephyr didn't.

Deep, angry growls pulled the boy away from his thoughts. As his eyes refocused on the ghost again, he found him in a quite funny situation. Phantom was cursing at the bandage that was constantly falling off of his shoulder, refusing to stay in one place. The sight of someone so big and powerful struggling with something so small, it made the boy giggle.

Dan slowly peeked over his shoulder. His body stiffened as Zephyr's smile disappeared. If the one with the upper hand got displeased, things rarely end in the good way. Phantom may have been the bigger and stronger one, but he respected the boy's powers. He was angry at himself for being so weak and angry with the smaller ghost for making him afraid for his life. In any other situation, he would have let the anger drive him forward and killed the person, but he rather let go of it now. If he stayed neutral, not engaging in anything, his chances of coming out of this alive grew exponentially. All he had to do for now was to suffer the quiet humiliation.

After Dan came to the conclusion that the boy wasn't going to do anything, he resumed his work on the bandaging. With his huge form, it was rather difficult to reach his back where the piece of cloth was hanging.

Zephyr had no idea what overcame him this time, but he started giggling once again. For some reason, he found the struggling ghost adorable. Like a bulky puppy chasing its tail.

"Ughhhh!" Zephyr cried out of frustration. The bandage he was trying to tie around his badly scraped forearm were constantly falling to the ground. He was fed up with it so in the moment's heat, he chugged the piled piece of cloth across the room.

With its nearly nonexistent weight, it fluttered in the air only a few feet away from the boy before falling to the ground. It didn't satisfy his anger at all, so he stood up and went to throw it again. This time, a hand grabbed it before it landed.

"Need some help boy?" Ra's asked with a small smile. When he first saw the boy struggle, he intended to let him be to figure things out on his own. To learn. But the soft spot for Zephyr broke just after few minutes, making the man come up to his grandson to help.

The ghost's head hung with shame, embarrassed about his incompetence. "Even the strongest need a helping hand sometimes."

Zephyr's eyes widened. He knew what he had to do! As grandpa did for him many times, he had to help out. Being a quickly forgiving child as any other, he made his way across the floor towards the ghost. He just stood there for a while, figuring out a way to help.

The next time Phantom threw the end of the bandage across his shoulder, Zephyr gently held it down with his fingers. The light touch made Dan panicked, and he immediately rose from the spot on the ground. His chest was rising and falling rapidly from the shock. He just stood there, stance wide, arms slightly extended to the sides, ready to face anything.

"What the hell was that? Are you trying to kill me?" Dan accused the boy in front of him. Zephyr pulled his outstretched hand back with a hurt expression on his face.


"Then what." Phantom snapped.

"I was trying to help you." The boy mumbled under his breath. He may have been out to help, but he couldn't have known the ghost's reaction. Both of them were facing a really confusing situation. With Dan calling out for blood only moments ago, expected the boy to do the same.

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