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*Wang yibo pov*
Evening fell quickly. Soon it was time for them to conduct the mission to rescue his zhan zhan. Yibo, haikuan, zhuo cheng and yubin were in the living room preparing themselves to head out. Qiren was talking on his phone with the police so as to tell them which time they have to make their arrival at haoxuan's place.

It was time to go...
Yibo took a deep breath and controlled the wild desperation in his heart.

U will soon be alright baobei

The three of them stopped to bid goodbye to their family members.

"Whatever you careful...OK?" Carman lee asks as she hugs both of her sons, cheng and yubin. Zhang jing did the same.

"Aunty zhang, i promise i will bring back zhan safely." Yibo said with a slightly cracked voice. Zhang noticed it and raised her hand to caress yibo's hair.

"I trust you, yibo dear." Zhang jing said. Qiren instructed them to be careful again and to not take risks. Avoid killing as much as possible, only if u have to. To which yibo made a mental note.

As long as i see that they didn't do anything bad to zhan, they will be alive.

Lu jian min bid last goodbye. He wont go with them as it might make the situation too heated. They drove out.

The drive was silent. Haikuan was driving with zhuo cheng on tge passenger seat while yubin and yibo sat at the back. Yibo's mind was in chaos, thousands emotions storming in order to take most of the place in his thoughts. Yubin looked at yibo and heaved a deep sigh. He placed his hand on yibo's shoulder and gave a reassuring smile. Yibo nodded with a grim face. Haikuan met yibo's eyes through the rear view mirror.

"Don't worry...everything is going to be fine..." Haikuan said while looking at yibo through the rear view mirror. He also looked sideways at zhuo Cheng who was looking out of the window, emersed in deep thoughts. There was a crease of worry on his forehead.

"I hope it will...because i don't know what i am gonna do If it doesn't." Yibo said in a deep voice.


After a pretty restless 2 hour drive, they finally arrived infront of a huge modern bungalow. The area was really quiet and if seen from afar one would never guess that there is a huge bungalow at the the edge of the dense forest. After few moments two police cars arrived as quietly as possible with their sirens turned off. They were to wait quietly outside and enter exactly 20 mins after yubin, yibo, haikuan and Cheng.

Yibo took a deep shuddering breath. The three of them stood under the porch and rung the doorbell. They had their guns ready inside their back pockets for emergency occurrence. The door was opened by a well built looking man wearing a black suit.

"How may i help u? Is there anything you need?" The man asked in a dark voice. Yibo and Cheng glared at the man. Haikuan decided to step in.

"Sir, we are looking for Wang haoxuan. We need to talk to him." Haikuan said in a calm tone to hide his restlessness.

"I'm sorry sir, but mayu i know the reason why you want to meet boss?" The man asked again. Cheng opened his mouth to spit out some foul words but was stopped by yubin. Cheng sighed and closed his mouth but still continued to glare at the man. Meanwhile yibo was wearing a cold expression in order to control his anger.

"We have something personal to talk and we will be obliged if let us meet ur boss." Yubin said. The man stayed silent for a while but then answered.

"Follow me."

They all entered. The man led them to a huge living room and asked them to suit themselves while he gets haoxuan. They didn't sit down but stood silently.

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