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*Xiao zhan POV*
Zhan woke up feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous. There was sharp pain on the back of his head. He slowly opened his eyes and felt himself sort of....binded. His eyes scanned the room. Although his vision was kinda blurry, he still managed to make out a dark room. There was only one small bulb ignited at the middle of the ceiling. There was a boarded up window at one side. The room was empty. There was a damp smell surrounding the room. He realized that he was sitting on a chair with ropes tightly binding his body on place. He tried to move his head sideways but the pain in head increased making him groan. His body felt numb due to the tight impact of the ropes.

"W-where the h-hell am i....?" He managed to utter out. There was no one inside the room. There was a door at the far corner of the room and by the look of it, it was locked.

"M-my head....they had hit my head with a metal baseball bat....ouch..." Zhan said again, squeezing his eyes shut because of the pain.

Suddenly he heard the door open with a creak and a man in his early 30's entered the room with a evil smirk. He would have looked quite good if he didn't wear that devil look. He approached where zhan was binded

"Well! Look who has woken up at last!" The man said sarcastically. " welcome to my.....den, sean xiao zhan...." He gave another evil smirk. Zhan glared at the wretched man infront of him.

"Who the hell are you!? And what do u want from me that u had to kidnap me like this!?" Zhan asked in a raised voice, although the words came out a bit weaker. The man smirked again.

"My wang haoxuan."

"W-wang haoxuan

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"W-wang haoxuan....why does it seem like i heard the name somewhere...maybe i heard it from" Zhan uttered. Wang hao xuan chuckled darkly at the mention of lu jian min.

" will surely have ur so called nice father mention it sometimes unintentionally....but ofcourse he would not mention what he did will he...?" Hao xuan said with a evil grin tilting his head sideways.

"What do you want from me? And how do you know my dad...?" Zhan asked weakly.

" What do i want from you...? Well...i want ur that i can take revenge on your lovely daddy Lu jian min." Hao xuan said and his eyes turned slightly dark.

"W-w-hat...?" Zhan asked confused. His dad? Who can have such a grudge on such a righteous man like his father..?

This time hao xuan's smirk faded completely, replaced by a dark angry look.

"Your father, killed my father and my elder brother! I seek revenge upon him. I will not kill But i will make him feel the pain of loosing his loved one...i will make feel the pain i felt when he killed the two most precious persons in my life! God knows why the fuck did he got away with it....the police didn't press charges against him and let him go...thats the reason i hate the police...those useless gutters who call themselves protector of the good...." Hao xuan said in a furious voice. His eyes turned darker every second.

Lost in You ( yizhan ff)✔completedWhere stories live. Discover now