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"Bitch." I growled at the woman who just kneed me in the nuts.

"Get away from me!" She yelled, her voice quivering.

I smiled. Andre told me she had gotten away from him, and to bring her back by whatever means necessary.

I would gladly.

"You can come the easy way, or the hard way." I said soothingly as I grabbed her arm again, squeezing harder than before.

Her small frame shook, she couldn't be older than sixteen. Andre liked them young.

"Do you like being Andre's lapdog? Huh? You like hitting and hurting innocent girls?" She screamed, thrashing in my hold.

I smirked and softly ran my hand across her collarbone. "If being his lapdog means ultimate power in the end, I would gladly bark at his command."

I slapped her across the face, causing her to get quiet, then lifted her into my arms, and turned to where Andre was waiting for his prize.

       But first, I needed to have a little fun.


My body hurt. Blake told the officers that I was hurt badly so they let me stay in my cell all day. Little mercy.

Blake has been rough last night. He never actually raped me, just slapped me a bit and threatened our daughter; my daughter.

An officer stood outside my cell at around noon.

"You have a call, don't care how hurt you are, get your ass up."

I stood and followed her to the visiting room. She pointed toward one of them old phones and I grabbed it, sitting down at the seat.

"Hello?" I murmured.

"Hello Scar, this is Harold Drake."

I frowned. "The fuck are you?"

"I'm your lawyer ma'am."

"Did my brother hire you?"

"Yes, he did. Now listen. You are being charged for second degree murder for Rose. The minimum sentence for that sort of crime is 15 years. You probably don't want to be in there for that long, so who do you think framed you?"

"I know exactly who framed me piece of shit. It's my damn blood."

"Your... blood?"

I sighed. "My uncle dipshit. He framed me. He's been framing me my whole life."

"What's the first thing he framed you with?"

"My parents murder. I was only 11 when they died, and the next day the popo came to my door, putting me in cuffs because I apparently killed them. I wasn't smart enough for that at 11."

"How many years did you get?"

"Six because I was just a kid."

"What's your uncles name?"



"Ask Jaxon I have no clue."

        "What happened the day of the murder?"

        Immediately my mind went back to the day that my whole life changed.


"Jaxon, where are you going?" I asked him as he rushed to the door while putting on his shoes.

        "Out, go play with your barbies or something." He snapped, leaving.

        I huffed. I don't even like barbies.. anymore.

        I trailed around the empty house, before deciding to go outside.

        I didn't realize it was night until I stepped out into the porch. We lived in a house out in the country, so not many people usually come around.

        All of a sudden I heard a loud crash coming from the hidden drive up to the house. I jumped and turned toward the noise. I couldn't see anything besides the trees, but I saw smoke rising above it.

        "Oh no!" I said as I started running to the crash, my small flip flops not helping.

        It was a bit of a run, but I finally arrived, coughing at the amount of smoke that lingered in the air.

        "Mommy, daddy?" I wailed, just knowing it had to be them.

        I heard nothing but a groan coming from behind a tree and squinted, trying to make out what it was.

        It was my dads car, practically wrapped around the tree, the smoke coming from it.

        "Daddy? Mommy?"

        "Hey S." I heard a snarky voice behind me.

        I turned around, happy at the sight of my favorite uncle Andre.

        "Tio!" I exclaimed. "Help my mom and dad! They're in the car, please help me!"

        "Don't you find it a bit.. odd, my dear niece, how am I here, in this rubbish house of yours?"

        I frantically looked at the car that was quickly building up more and more smoke, and I knew from the movies that Jaxon likes to watch that it'll blow up soon.

        "Please help!"

        Tio slowly walked up to me and suddenly smacked me across the face. My head whipped to the side, my cheek stinging. My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at my favorite uncle.

        "Why did you do that?"

        He didn't answer and instead whistled, and people suddenly emerged from the darkness of the trees, all of them guys and strong looking.

        Andre said something in italian and suddenly three of the bigger guys walked quickly to the car, pulled open the door, and dragged the lifeless bodies of my parents out.

        "Get this cleaned up." Andre directed and picked me up roughly.

        I was numb, staring at my parents, tears rolling down my motionless face.

        Andre walked quickly, going down the road to the house. When we got there he dumped me on the floor and I stayed there. I realized that two of the men were carrying one of my parents.

        "What are you doing?" I asked meekly.

        Andre was putting on gloves and looked down at me, smiling.

        "Getting rid of three pests in one go it seems."

        He pulled out a gun from his pocket and suddenly shot each of my parents bodies. I cried out, horrified of the sight in front of me.

        Andre finally stopped shooting and looked at me again, his eyes twinkling with happiness.

        "I called the police, they're on their way, how could you kill your parents so brutally?" Andre fake gasped.

         He shoved the gun in my hand, and looked at me.


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